Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dinner Post

Last night's dinner, I made BBQ pork--instead of putting it on the grill, I baked it--my house smelled yummy and the meat came out very tender.Salad first-->
..and then the main course. BBQ pork, mashed potatoes, and green beans--I had dinner rolls, but I forgot to put it on the plate until after I took the picture--I just couldn't take the plate away from my hubby to take a picture of the roll..LOL;)


  1. Your meal looks wonderful. I am roasting a chicken tonight. They are always so good and easy.

    Also, I did my meme today. You will have to come by and read it.

  2. Yummmmm!!!!!!!!!! As always, your meal looks absolutely delicious!!!

    Mrs. U

  3. I just popped in on my site this morning and realized you tagged me! Thanks, I love being tagged. I posted my meme on my site!
    Have a great day!!


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