Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesday Post

Yes, I like salt on my melon.

I bought this dress at Walmart for 12.00---->Alexis is Star of the week at school so each day she has to stand in front the class and share something--today she is sharing her *My Little Pony* toys.

Here is a better picture of Kevin in his car seat when we come home--he just loves car rides---I think all babies do.
I took chicken out tonight for dinner. I have a load of towels in the wash and a load of baby clothes in the dryer. I emptied all trash since today is trash day. It is amazing how your body adjusts to not much sleep or interrupted sleep--he wakes up every two hours to nurse, and I have to change him too--he can really fill up a diaper:)

The sun is out today, and it is a bit warmer. Last night, I was upstairs nursing the baby, and dinner was all done but I was not able to get in there to clean it--I have been waiting until everyone is settled in bed, before going down and cleaning the kitchen--well the baby was down for the night and Alexis was in bed too--I went down stairs and Kevin had cleaned the whole kitchen--it sparkled for me--what a gift--I was so tired and this just made me so happy--I crawled in bed and went to sleep:)

That is all for now--you all have a wonderful Wednesday xoxox


  1. That WAS a gift, I'd appreciate more than jewelry or flowers at this point!! A nice clean kitchen!! :-) I am still doing every 2 hour feedings, too, and you're right about adjusting. You get used to it, but there are some evenings when you are just tired.

    Alexis looks pretty in her new dress!! My little girl wears sneakers with her dresses, too. You have to be girly, but still able to run and play!! :-)

  2. Hello, Julieann! What a neat idea for school -- Star of the Week. I would have liked that as a youngster.

    Right after I had my baby, I went to the eye doctor and the nurse commented that the most amazing thing about motherhood(besides the baby, of course) is on how little sleep one can actually function. I was amazed, too! I won't say it was easy functioning on so little, but God did see me through.

    What a thoughtful husband you have, too.

  3. Both your Kevins sound wonderful! By the way, I grew up eating salt on my watermelon - I don't do it as much now.
    1 month already, wow, time does fly! Blessings to you Julieanne!

  4. What a thoughtful and kind husband you have!! But, I'll bet that you already knew that. :)

    Don't you just LOVE folding baby clothes? They are always so sweet smelling and small and I just love folding them and putting them away.

    Alexis looks beautiful in her dress!! And baby Kevin is sooo sweet!!!

    Mrs. U

  5. That was a very thoughtful thing for your husband to do. (o:

    And your kiddos are adorable!

  6. Your baby is sooo sweet! And your little girl too.

  7. Now that is a wonderful gift, Julieann! Your daughter looks so sweet in her dress and sweater and little Kevin is just adorable!!!!


  8. Sounds like your hubby was speaking your love language ~ lol! (Have you read that book?)

    All the wee ones are looking darling! My youngest daughter (7) has always loved the *My Little Pony* toys! :o)

    And I can NOT believe a month has already passed! *sigh* I don't know if you've seen those old Dunkin' Donut commercials where the baker gets up so early to make *fresh* donuts that he finally meets himself coming and going. He keeps muttering, "Time to make the donuts." When I had Joshie (who was a BIG eater), my hubby rolled over in the middle of the night as I was climbing out of bed yet again to scoop Joshie out of his bassinet. Hubby caught at my nightgown and asked me where I was going. I whispered that it was "time to make the donuts." Hubby thought that was a hoot! From then on when hubby brought me a hungry baby it was "time to make the donuts!" LOL


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