Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Picture Post Tuesday

Melon balls with breakfast----how many of you put salt on your melon? This is a beef roast I had made during the week--->
....along with homemade macaroni and cheese---make a white sauce and add lots of cheddar cheese--yummy.
I took a picture of this---you don't see this very often--an empty dishwasher---it is always being filled and emptied-- This is baby Kevin in his car seat--the picture came out a little dark--I will take another one soon.

Okay, this is me right before Baby Kevin's birth--- I didn't realize how swollen I was until after baby was born and I had my ankles back. This picture will go in Baby Kevin's baby book.
This is me in the same shirt today---what a difference a baby makes LOL....
My princess off to school--->
She is such a good little helper:)
My two Kevin's--->

I can't believe Little Kevin will be a month this week--the time is just going by so fast--I am enjoying every moment though.

After I finish this post, I am going to make meatballs--and we will have spaghetti tonight.

It is a cool day today----

you all have a happy Tuesday xoxoxox


  1. Very nice pictures!! You look tiny again!! And the baby is growing so fast. He and Alexis are so cute. I always love all the pictures you share with us, too fun!! :-)

  2. Looks like you are down to your weight again...that is always nice! The mac and cheese looks delicious, you will have to share the recipe when you have time!

  3. Hello, Julieann! You looked and look great, and your two Kevins look so sweet together. By the way, I don't salt my melon, but my mama does. How about you?

  4. I LOVE your pictures, Julieann!! Your food looks just wonderful and your family is just beautiful!! And the before and after pictures of you are great!!! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Mrs. U

  5. Little Kevin looks so content laying on your husband! He looks like he is almost smiling.
    BTW I do salt me melons lol

  6. Aww..I love the pictures of your two Kevins, Julieann! I can't believe a month is gone by! Alexis is adorable!
    All your food is making me hungry and yes, I always salt my cantelope. :0)
    Have a wonderful day!


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