I was talking with my Grandma, and I asked her how she managed to run her household and take care of three kids. My grandmother had three kids, but she did not have any of the amenities that we have today. She would have to hang clothes in the basement to dry during the winter or when it rained--she did not have a dishwasher, dryer, bread machine..they called a refrigerator an ice box because that is exactly what it was, a cabinet that held a block of ice to keep things cold. Well she said to me, Julie, I don't really know how I did it back then, but when you are in it, you just do it---makes sense to me:)
Well, I am spoiled, I have so many wonderful amenities to help me with my work--I still don't know how my Grandma was able to do it...LOL---anyway, I am having a lot of fun taking care of my family. Yes, I am running on little sleep--and yes, I don't always get all my housework done--but I am sooo HAPPY, God blessed me with my children, and a man, that works hard and allows me to stay home and be the wife and mother I always wanted to be----
I tried to get on here to blog yesterday, but I just couldn't find the time---when baby went down for a nap, I was busy with laundry, baking bread, vacuuming---my other two children etc---
I did snap a few pictures to share here--->

I just love this picture--->

Little Kevin turned one month over the weekend-->

Happy Baby:)

I made twice baked potatoes---this is the potato with most of the pototo scraped out

I mashed the potato, added milk, butter, cheese and salt and pepper and stuffed it back in the skins-->

Here are the potatoes out of the oven--yummy!!

This is the best chicken I ever made, it was sooooooo good. I melted butter and added a bunch of garlic that I put in my garlic press---then I poured it all over the chicken and baked the chicken, basting it until it was done and golden brown---the whole house smelled so yummy.

I was able to make more dinner rolls--and I even snuck in a chocalate cake----->

I am going to make a blueberry pie sometime this week, my daughter is craving it, so I must get to the store and get a can of blueberries:)
Little Kevin is napping right now, so I am going to go and have a cup of coffee(decaf) and do some dinner prep and other fun stuff around the house--you all have a very nice day xoxoxox Thank you for stopping by my little corner on the Internet!!!
Hi Julieann! I hope you don't mind if I stop by for dinner tonight. ;0) That chicken sounds delicious, I'm going to have to try that...YUM! I love twice baked potatoes and of course chocolate cake..heehe.
ReplyDeleteThe picture of your daughter and baby Kevin is so sweet, she looks like a wonderful big sister!! I can't believe a month has gone by!!!
Have a wonderful day!
Plan on 7 more guests for dinner, OK? :-) Everything looks SO delicious!!! And the baby is just a doll, I love his expressions. Alexis looks like she is great with him, too!!
ReplyDeleteHello, Julieann! My mother and grandmothers say the same things, and I'm always picking their brains for how they did it all. I'd especially like to ask my great grandmother who was born in the 1880's and had six children. I can't even imagine how she did it all...
ReplyDeleteThat food looks yummy and the little ones just look adorable and huggable.
Okay Julieann!!! Our family is DYING to come over and eat with y'all!! What a wonderful sounding meal!! And I LOVE the pictures of your youngest two!! They are too sweet!!
Mrs. U
You have such precious children~ what a wonderful blessing! That dinner looks delish and I'm sure if we could we would all be over to help you eat it! LOL BTW, I just love your attitude about home and family, it makes my heart smile:o)
ReplyDeleteyes life is very busy with kids and all the other stuff that goes along with it! But like you I've wanted to be a mommy for a long time. (since I was 3 or 4 years old!) I'm enjoying them and looking forward to summer when they'll be home and no running back and forth for mommy!!!
ReplyDeleteyour food looks amazing...mmmm mmm
ReplyDeleteand the Kids are the best part!!! :oD