Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Working, working, working :)

I actually accomplished quite a bit yesterday that was on my list--I took away the coffee table in my dining room--and put the pictures elseware, and I have to say it all looks so much better. Then I worked on my kitchen--that is still in progress---I also cleaned out the refrigerator, so it will be all nice and clean and more room for the new groceries that I will buy tomorrow--I will share my shopping list/day over the weekend when it is all complete. I also took out a white bed skirt and put it on--my bed looks lovely--what a difference a skirt makes. (Don't worry, I am not lifting or doing anything that will hurt the baby--I am slipping and sliding everything, and the heavy things my son and husband help with:) My daughter has quite a bit of toys so what I did was convert two toy boxes into one, and put the toy box in her closest--over the next week or so, we will go through the toys and seperate---broken, give away, keeper. If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know what sparks my interest most with other blogs are the pictures---granted there are a lot of wonderful blogs out there that don't use pictures--but I am such a visiul person, kwim. I am more apt to try a recipe with a picture, then without kind of girl. SOOO, I snapped a few pictures to put here---this is another peek in to my home--this is the downstairs---I have already posted pictures of my kitchen, so now we have the living room, and the dining room.
This is a view from upstairs---> View from downstairs--yes that is Martha on the TV (giggles)
3 different views of my dining room--there is a red underlay under my table cloth for Valentines.
As you can see I put decails on my windows for valentine's.
In the little red heart container on my table is filled with candy hearts.

The rooms that I have not shown yet that are downstairs are the guest bathroom, my laundry room and of course the garage.

Okay--I am having too much fun posting, but I must go---I have dinner to prep, a kitchen to organize a few loads of laundry to conquer, etc---You all have a glorious Thursday!!! I will be by to visit your blog soon--> You all know who you are xoxo


  1. You did quite a bit yesterday...I go through my daughter's toys at least once a month and reorganize everything. She is getting old enough to help too. It's funny to see them enjoy cleaning at that age.

  2. Okay - Tomorrow I'm going to post some pics of my house...I've been meaning to, and this just gave me the motivation I need...

  3. Oh, Julieann - I love all your windows! Just beautiful! :o)

    And your dining room looks already for valentines day! very cute!

  4. Looks great! The dining room looks so nice all decorated for Valentines!

  5. You have been busy nesting! Your home is beautiful! I love the picture looking down into your's very neat and tidy. Your dining room is gorgeous! What a great idea to put a red cloth under your white lace tablecloth!
    Your windows look very pretty too!!!

  6. Hi~
    I found your site a few days ago..I think from your posting on my friend Susan P's blog. Anyways~ I love your blog! Love the pictures of your home and I will be visiting lots! :)

    Candy (from Canada)~
    p.s... my blog will be ready soon~

  7. Thank you everyone for such wonderful comments--what a lovely way to start my day---I will be by all your blogs today too:) Chrissy, I can not wait to see pictures of your home---I get a lot of my decorating ideas and such from other people:)
    Candy--I am so happy you came by, I can not wait to visit your new blog, please let me know when it is up:)


  8. Wow, you seem to have gotten a lot done. Way to go. I love the large windows. Your decals and tablecloth have gotten me in the mood to do something Valentine related. I just don't know what. Thanks for sharing

  9. Just visiting from Amber's and I love the hearts on the Valentine-y!

  10. Hi Julieann!!
    I LOVE these photos!!! Your home looks SO pretty!!!

    I have to ask you, where did you find your table and chairs? I LOVE those chairs and have been looking for some in that style but haven't run upon any like that lately.

    Mrs. U

  11. Hi Julieann, your home looks lovely! Does it not make you feel good when you acomplish what you set out to acomplish! Great Job! Have A Blessed Weekend! I also want to say thank you so much for always coming to visit me, I love to see your name in my Shout Out Box, thanks for all the sweet comments! God Bless.

  12. Hi Mrs U. My mother in law gave me the table--I have no idea where she bought it from, but I will ask her:)

    Thank you Shereen :)

    Maggie Ann, thank you so much for stopping by, I hope to see you again:)

    Mrs. Monise, I adore your blog:)

    I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Sunday--Stay warm!!



Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me