Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

No Clutter!!

Wonderful Wednesday
Well, today is Wednesday, and I have a list of things I want to get done today. I have a few ideas with my kitchen----I love my kitchen, and there are pictures of it here--just use the search and put in kitchen:) Anyway---I don't like clutter, but I like to have certain things out--so I am going to reorganize my kitchen--and make it look more orderly and neat. Then in my dining room I have a coffee table in there that I did not know what to do with it, so I set it up against the wall and set pictures on it--I think I am going to put the pictures elsewhere and put the coffee table in the garage until I can decide what to do with it--I think doing that will make my dining room bigger and less cluttered looking. It is the weather, I tell you--it is like spring here--and on top of being pregnant, I am on a permanent nesting binge..(LOL). This is just a short post, I will update a little later with my progress, a shower is calling me. Have a super Wednesday Morning xoxo


  1. I am back!! It has been a hectic couple of weeks with my Dad. He is scheduled to have surgery the 13th. Please keep him in your prayers.

    My my you have been busy!! When you are done come on over to WV and de-clutter my home too!! lol

    Thanks for checking on me!!!

  2. Did you catch Oprah today? It was about organization...I'm sure you weren't as bad as those people though.

    I am not big on clutter either but he gave some good ideas.


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