Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, January 29, 2007


Whew--busy morning:) After I posted this morning, I left to go to the Doctor's, everything went great--I told the Doctor, that I thought, my tummy was really getting big, and he said, you have not seen anything yet--it is going to get a lot bigger...LOL----oh dear;)

Anyway, the other day I saw Martha Stewart make Ginger Tea, and I really wanted to make it, so I asked my doctor if it was okay to drink being pregnant, and he said yes. This is the recipe:

Ginger Tea
Serves 2
One 6-inch piece ginger, skin left on, thinly sliced crosswise, and roughly chopped

Light-brown sugar (optional)

Honey (optional)

1. Combine ginger and 2 cups water in a small saucepan. Place saucepan over medium-high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 30 minutes. Remove from heat; strain mixture into a teapot or 2 teacups. Serve with sugar or honey, if desired.
Note: Recipe from "The Martha Stewart Show" TV kitchen

I got everything I needed at the store, plus I got a bird feeder for outside, it is adorable, it is a lilly pad, and you place the seed on it for the birds, I will take a picture of it when I get it hung up.


  1. I'm glad your doctor appointment went well!! The tea sounds really good!

  2. Hi Julieann!!
    I'm SO happy to hear that you and your baby are doing so well!!!

    I've had something called Ginger Tea before but I didn't have the recipe!! This is WONDERFUL! I thank you so very much for sharing this!!

    Mrs. U

  3. MMM! Wish you come drop on by. I'd bake us some scones and brew up some of that Ginger Tea. Sounds a lot better than the Red Raspberry Leaf stuff I choked down last pregnancy. I think I even have some ginger in the fridge...
    I also have crystallized ginger that would be delicious in the scones. Sigh.


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