Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, January 26, 2007


Oh My--I can not believe I did this---I made such a mess out of my blog today--OOPS!!!

What is that saying, if it isn't broke, don't fix it...LOL-----well, I didn't listen to that saying. Anyway, I am done with moving, hopefully everything works okay-----I can't get my email button right, but I will figure it out.

Also, I added a few blogs that I like to visit, if I missed you and you would like to be added, I would be so happy to add you--also, if I added you and you don't want to be there, I will remove you:) Just let me know.

Now, off to start sorting my laundry--and then on to dinner.

You all have a wonderful Friday Evening xoxox

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