Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Now what do we do?? Just Kidding:) I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. Our Christmas was very nice. My husband is back at work, and my radio in the kitchen that played lovely Christmas music every day is back to playing regular music, (have to find a new radio station..LOL) only 364 days left to go, right?

Anyway, my father had given me this wooden highchair he had--my first official baby item for the new baby. I am going to slowly take down the decorations now. I usually wait until after New Years, but I always do it in a rush, so now I am going to pack everything with a little more organization. I am out of a few groceries, so a trip to the store is in definite order. My bread machine will be going as soon as I leave the computer, need to make a loaf of bread, and some rolls for dinner. The sun isn't out, it is cloudy and cold. Well, that is all for now--I will post more later and when I decide what dinner will be. Hope everyone is doing great this wonderful Tuesday xoxox


  1. Hi Julieann! I LOL at your first sentence! I'm wondering which room to clean first...they are all so messy!! I turned on my radio station awhile ago and was suprised to hear regular old music too. I'm going to listen to my Christmas CD's for another week. I'm glad your Christmas was nice. We had a wonderful day yesterday and my kids have been playing with new toys and watching new movies all day today. I'm going to post Christmas pictures tonight. Good luck with dinner! We are having leftover ham and scallopped potatoes.

  2. ----Giggles---Kelii, when I sat down to write, I was thinking, wow, we have all been writing so much about Christmas, now what...LOL:)

    Your pictures were great!!!



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