Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, December 22, 2006


Kelli at her Blog, posted pictures of her Holiday table---soooo, I am posting a picture of mine--yes, I am being a copycat...LOL:) We are having Christmas dinner at my Dad's home, so I don't have a place setting to share. I am going to miss cooking this Christmas, but it will be nice to be with my Dad and Grandma. Here are some Christmas cards I recieved, last year I hung them all around the doorway. I am still expecting more to come, so it looks like I will have to add another ribbon.


  1. Your table is so pretty! Red is my favorite color. My kitchen is painted a color called "Barn Red"...

  2. Your table is beautiful Julieann!! The poinsetta is so pretty and I love the little snowmen on your tablecloth!
    Wishing you and your family a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

  3. Your table is so nice! I love the tablecloth. Also, that Christmas card idea is neat. I will have to make note of that for next year.


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