Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Fun Friday:)

Well, it is Friday morning. I woke up at about 3 this morning and was wide awake--I wanted to get up and enjoy the quiet time, but I new better. I know since I am pregnant, my body needs rest, and also I didn't want to lose my energy in the middle of the day. I am not one to take naps and don't want to start now. So I said a few prayers, and fell back to sleep. I am now up at 5:30, I usually wake up between 5 and 6. My husband left for work, with his lunch in hand, he will enjoy his lunch today--leftover steak:) For Christmas my daughter received such nice clothes--and she loves clothes too--she had to try every thing on. I started rearranging her closet, taking things down that are too small and making room for her new clothes. I was saving her things in case I was having a girl..LOL--well, maybe next time;)

Things I am going to do today:

Rearrange my pantry--it got a little crazy in there--I have to organize it.
vacuum (of course)
Take down more Christmas decorations
Make a pasta salad to go with dinner (yummy)
Do some laundry
Swish the toilets

I have to remember to pick up some black eyed peas for new years day, I thought I had some, but I don't.

Friday's Dinner:

A beautiful Pork Roast I got on sale
Roasted potatoes and carrots
Pasta Salad
Green Salad
Dinner Rolls

Have a Blessed Friday, and don't forget to keep a smile on your face, especially when hubby comes home from work:) xoxox

1 comment:

  1. Your dinner tonight sounds lovely.

    Things have gotten crazy in my pantry, too. LOL. It's time to re-organize a lot of things.


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