Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wednesday's Chatter

The kids all started school this week--so my schedule is going to be kind of busy, picking up and dropping off--since they both start at different times and finish at different times. I really, really want to homeschool, I just am not sure I would be able to teach them everything they need to know. I can not wait to hear how there first day of school went. They both seemed so brave, Tony starting Highschool and Alexis starting Kindergarten. I am going to use this time to unpack some more, I still have so much to do to get this home in order. After I pick the children up--I wil start dinner, and see if I can get more unpacked after that--I was so busy yesterday, I fell asleep at 7:30..LOL. I guess being older and pregnant takes a lot more out of you then it did when I was younger--but, I am so happy to be pregnant--I am going to enjoy every moment of this time!!!!

It is rather warm here in California, so I have been turning the AC on.

Dinner Tonight:
Pork tenders w/ onions
Mashed potatoes
Salad with all the fixings

You all have a very wonderful and blessed Wednesday!!!! xoxox

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