Soups, Soups And More Soups!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Friday's Chat
As for dinner, I am going to take out some ground beef--Tacos come to mind, and it is a family favorite:) I went to the store last night, and I bought a whole bunch of fruit and some skim milk--I didn't want to wait until next week, I need a lot of healthy food for making a baby:) I also cheated (shhhhh) I bought some bagels instead of making them.....This is my reasoning, Next Thursday, I am taking my Grandmother shopping, and I want to bring her some fresh homemade bagels, and if I make them now, they won't be fresh, makes sense?? LOL. I also bought perrier water, oh I love that water. I don't drink sodas, ever. I think the last time I had a soda was about 13 years ago--now my husband loves Coke---he drinks a lot of it, I try and deter my children from drinking it though, the carbination is not good for there growing bones.
As for the rest of the day, I plan on just keeping on schedule---a load of laundry, tiding up here and there, etc....Have a wonderful FUN FRIDAY xoxoxox
Thursday, September 28, 2006
On my list of things to-do, I did a load of laundry, I made my fudge, I try and vacuum everyday, so I will do that shortly--there is nothing like a freshly vacuumed carpet. I had put some pumpkin spice potpourri in the guest bathroom and oooohhh, it stills smells so lovely..LOL. My big shopping trip will be next Thursday, so I am making my lists and clipping coupons, I will go to the farmer's market for all my fruits and veggies, oh how I love to shop at that store and stock up on everything--it makes for a very happy kitchen..LOL. I took out a seven bone roast for tonight's dinner, I will also prepare mashed potaoes and gravy a veggie and a nice salad.
On Tuesday, I finished reading to Alexis the Old Testament out of her children's bible, so we started the New Testament last night, oh boy is she is excited to hear all about Jesus--after I finished reading a few chapters, she asked me to read a little more, so I did. She can't wait for me to read more tonight--and boy, she will not let me forget ..LOL. I have to say, the children's bible is very interesting for me also, sometimes, it explains things so much easier for me to understand also.
The weather here is very nice, there is a slight chill in the air at times, and the feel of fall is in the air. Have I mentioned I love fall?? I think I have, LOL.
Tony, my 14 year old son asked me yesterday if we could have Friday fun days. He is not one to say or ask for things like that, but he explained that he thinks it would be nice to go out to eat at a restaurant on Fridays, Kevin and I have no problem with that idea at all. I am very frugal and try and make a dollar stretch as far as possible, but I think going out to dinner on Fridays could be worked out, it actually sounds nice--even though I love to cook--I need to take my children's feelings into consideration, don't ya think? Plus it is nice to have someone else cook for you once in awhile:)
After Alexis was asleep and all was quiet in the house, I turned on the TV and Little house on the Prairie was on, it was the episode about when Charles takes in two children that lost their parents, I am sure you have seen the episode--well anyway, it is a nice episode, but I sure wish Michael Landon had followed the books a little more closely, kwim?
Well, That is all for now---until next time, you all have a Thoughtful Thursday xoxoxox
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Another Busy One
You all have a Happy Wednesday xoxox
P.S. Tomorrow I am also going to take some time and visit the women's blogs that have left such nice comments on mine--you all have awesome blogs that I love to read:)))
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Busy, Busy, Busy
The house is coming along nicely. I haven't hung any pictures up yet, not sure how I want to do that. I am decorating for fall and halloween. Oh how I love fall. Well I have to get going, I have some things I have to do before I go to Alexis's school.
You all have a good day xoxoxo
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Potato Salad

I was craving potato salad, or should I say the baby was craving potato salad..LOL. So I made a nice batch of it. I have to say, it tastes wonderful:)
I don't think I need to go into detail on how to make it from here, I just wanted to post how simple mine was and what little ingredients I use, and still it is the best potao salad ever!!!!!
Humming Bird Feeder

Yes--I put my hummingbird feeder up. I have seen so many hummingbirds since I have been here. Now, lets see if I can be quick enough to get a picture of a hummingbird at my feeder..LOL. As you can see I did not add red food coloring to mine, as I know alot of people do. I have read the red dye may cause tumors in there little bodies. So just to be safe, I do not add it. It doesn't seem to deter them from feeding, I think there is enough red on the feeder to attract them. I think every household should have a hummingbird feeder, it kind of makes the home complete...LOL--so lets all hang up a feeder for our cute little hummingbirds:) Have a happy Thursday xoxo
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Latch Hook
I try, I really do:)

I love to do crafts, I really do!!! I love to sew, crochet, latch hook, do all sorts of things. Am I any good at it..LOL--somethings I do really well, like my daughters latch hook and my afghan. I made this wreath with a garland of fall leaves I had--it looks better in real life, I promise. This is the fireplace in my living room. I am trying to add touches of fall and halloween, with out it looking cluttered or over bearing.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
More pictures---Maybe..LOL

Blogger is not playing nice with me today:( I took pictures of my home and blogger will not let me add them here---I will try again tomorrow. *Updated---I tried one last time and it worked---so these are some of the pics I took, I hope you enjoy..LOL--Blogger sure was being difficult for me today, sorry for the delay on the pictures:)
Picture of My Bread
Friday, September 15, 2006
Short but sweet:)

I am not sure if I mentioned, earlier in the week, my daughter was sick---I am sure she got sick from school--well, she is all better now, but guess who got it now? Yep--ME!!! I don't know if I have mentioned, I really don't like feeling icky--so I try and pretend I am not..LOL. Does it work, sometimes. My father is coming to visit tomorrow to see us and our new home, I know it will be a short visit, but I wanted to make a few appetizers, and have coffee and juice--I am going to make a chocolate cake today too--I need to pick up my son from school in about an hour, so I am using this time to post this short post:) The house is nice and clean, I am just going to do a few things here and there to make it look even nicer for my Dad, when he visits. I am trying to think of an easy dinner to make, so I am thinking along the lines of meatloaf--what do you think? I am not a meat eater, but my family loves meat, so I have some sort of meat with each dinner---so I think meatloaf is it. It is kind of a cool day today--I am not sure if it is really cool, or is it because I am feeling under the weather? oh well, I am glad it is Friday, and I have the whole weekend with my family and not having them in school or work--YAY!
You all have a blessed Friday xoxoxox
Thursday, September 14, 2006
What's For Dinner?
Speaking of food, even though I love to cook and bake, I am not a big eater at all. Sometimes, I would get a hunger paing, and think to myself, oh myI have forgotten to eat-----so anyway, now that I am pregnant, I am making sure I eat properly---I just had a veggie wrap, that I made myself, and it was sooooooo good!!
As my life goes on day by day, and i see my children growing up--and another one on the way, I just think to myself, is there anything better then being a women--I wouldn't change a thing. There is nothing I would rather be doing then being a wife and mother---Thank you God!!!
You all have a safe and happy Thurday--Happy cooking everyone xoxox
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The Holiday are Coming!!!

My dining room table, I wrapped some fall leave garland around my basket napkin holder, and a few orange and black candles on the table also. In the guest bathroom, I put pumpkin spice potpourri in a little ceramic dish--it looks so nice, and smells so good. I don't decorate with monsters and death, but with cute pumkins and such, kwim?
On another note, my home is almost completely done--YES, I said ALMOST DONE!!!!! I just have a few boxes with odds and ends in the garage that I have to go through, but other then that, I am done!!! YAY, I love my new home--yes, I miss my home in Georgia--and I get a little tinge of sadness when I think of it--but I then just look around me now, and know that my Husband worked hard to do this, and that God has a very special reason for all this----so I am very greatfull for all that I have, my family, my friends, the health of my loved ones--and a little precious gift in my tummy---what more could I want??? Thank you God:)
You all have an absolutely wonderful day xoxox
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Getting Settled
Alexis, told me yesterday her throat hurt--she ended up going to bed super early last night, and she has been sleeping on and off all day, poor baby:(
I am adjusting to school starting back up---I have to leave and pick up four times a day..busy, busy, busy!!!
The weather here is lovely--it is cool in the morning and and in the evening and warms ups during the day.
I am so absulutely ecstatic the way things are turning out--especially knowing I have a little life growing inside me--what a special feeling:)
You all have a glorious day xoxoxox
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Wednesday's Chatter
It is rather warm here in California, so I have been turning the AC on.
Dinner Tonight:
Pork tenders w/ onions
Mashed potatoes
Salad with all the fixings
You all have a very wonderful and blessed Wednesday!!!! xoxox