Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Oh my!!! I am so thrilled. The house, I had mentioned previously fell through---BUT--we found an even better one---Oh I am so excited. Kevin is flying out tomorrow to sign the papers. I sure am going to miss my home here, but I am very happy that I will have something lovely to go to when we arrive. I will take pictures and share them here. I will get there just in time to join you all in fall decorating, yay!!!!

I am still packing, I have not started the kitchen yet--if you look at my post titled Kitchen, there is a picture of my kitchen, I did take all my ceramic cows down and knic knacs and packed them away. This is a very overwhelming project, but I think to myself, if this is the worse thing I can complain about, I think I am okay..LOL--God is Good!!!

Today, I am wearing a light beige top, that is very feminine with a darker brown skirt. My daughter chose a denim skirt with a grey shirt---she is a cutie patootie:)

Dinner tonight will be a seven bone roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a salad with all the fixings:) I will also make a homemade gravy from the drippings from the roast--yummy!!!

The weather here in Georgia, is very nice. I do hope for one last Thunder storm before I leave, I sure am going to miss the rain--but one thing I am not going to miss are those pesky mosquitos--yucky. Yesterday there was a praying Mantis on my window, I love those bugs--I took a picture of it, as you can see:)

You all have a great Saturday xoxo

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