Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, January 13, 2023



I am enjoying learning to prorogate.
  My daughter actually taught me how to do this.

Snow was predicted today, but it didn't.  It was just blistering cold.

My daughter and I went thrifting today, and we had some fun.
I am really trying to make an even more conscious effort, to reuse, recycle and reduce.
Making old things new again and composting things.  Planting and gardening.  Just being more mindful and not being so selfish and being more aware and taking care of God's green Earth better than I have.

We basically have a four day weekend from school.  Thank goodness.  I am helping my son with Algebra.  I am really good at algebra, but teaching it is another thing...tee hee.  He is smart so he gets it quick, whew!!!☺

Family Fun night tonight, was B and W Burger Factory.
Night off from the dishes......woohoo.

I was extremely tired this morning and over slept.....I didn't have any thing pressing.  There wasn't school today so I didn't set my alarm..Boy, did I sleep.  I slept long.  I must have needed it. 🤍

Until next time..adieu  🥰

1 comment:

  1. My daughter is a plant lover and has also been propogating plants.
    Enjoy your long weekend!


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