Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, December 19, 2022

🤍Happy Homemaker Monday🤍


Welcome to my 
Happy Homemaker Monday
My Name is Julieann and I am so happy your are here!

This is hosted by Sandra who has a lovely blog called,

"Diary of a Stay at Home Mom"

Please go over to her blog and then visit all the other wonderful blogs linked to the post.  It will be so fun to read all these amazing women's posts!!!

The weather this week, is going to be very cold.  Do you see the 9 on Christmas Eve? 

I do love to dress up in cute winter clothes, but I am not a fan of frigid cold, a little cold, but 9

I am a California girl at heart,  but I do know what cold is.  I was in Chicago for a for a few years and walked in many a blizzards.  I thought my nose would snap off and my jeans froze to my legs.  I prefer warmth.....

~~~~~MENU PLAN~~~~~

Steak on the Grill
Loaded Baked potatoes
Cheesy Fried Green Beans 

Steak and Cheese Quesadillas

Chicken and rice casserole
Steamed Broccoli and mushrooms
Cucumber and Tomato Salad

saluted asparagus


Family Fun Night

(Christmas Eve Dinner)
Rib Eye Roast
Garlic Bread
Rice Casserole
Green Bean Casserole
Relish Tray
Cheese Tray
Shrimp Appetizer
Jesus's Birthday Cake
(More details in next post)

Here is a picture of my Amaryllis, it makes me so happy.  It is so pretty, the photo does not do it justice.

Memory came up on my Facebook.
Last year exactly :)  Me!

To do list:

Get the home Christmas ready........

Bible Verse 

 The life of every living thing is in His hand, as well as the breath of all mankind. Job 12:10

I am God's girl and he is my rock.  

We are all in his hands and his loving care.  God is love and he wants to hear from you.  We are all his children and he wants to hear from us every single day.  He wants to hear all the good and all the painful  He gave his one and only son for us.  God is our father and loves us with all of his heart.


  1. I can see that your amaryllis is so beautiful. My flowers always bloom at odd times, seems never Christmas. I'm sure I'll be sharing my blooms in March, LOL. Seems the cold is going to be across quite a bit of the US, we're lucky as our predicted high is 16. Hope you have a wonderful (and not too cold) Christmas!

  2. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas

  3. It's finally going to get cold here too. I'm one of the oddballs who prefers cold and snow! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me