Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

North Georgia Friends!!

Two beautiful little kittens have found there way into my garage.  I have exhausted all resources available here to find them a home, a forever home.  Right now, I have them safe and warm in my garage with plenty of food and water.  My daughter plays with them, so they are acclimated with people and very loving.  My little boy is severely allergic to cats so I can not keep them.  I have begged no kill shelters to take them...I am at a loss and feel quite defeated.  If you know of anyone in the North Georgia area that would love these kitties, please, please, please, I beg you to let me know. Thank you all for helping, much love!!!


  1. They're so cute! You might try Freecycle if you have one in your area. Have you posted on Facebook? Maybe a note on a church bulletin board? Good luck!

  2. They are adorable! I sure hope you find a place for them.

  3. What about a note at your children's school through the PTO?

  4. Thank you all for your comments :) Yes, I have put flyers at my child's school and other places too...I have plastered them all over Facebook, too. You all can friend me and share the picture :) Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your ideas!!! Keep them coming :)

  5. Miss hearing about your day to day. I know you are reading your archives to get motivated since the holidays are coming...



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P.S. You can always email me