Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, September 16, 2013


I hope everyone is having a great Monday!
After this week of school, my kids are home for a week for Fall Break, YaY!
I have been putting out my Fall decor little by little.  I just adore Fall!

The Doctor's messed up on my son's immunization card, oh boy!!!
Little Kevin was not a happy camper, and neither was I!!
We got it all fixed, so that was good!

I haven't always been a SAHM....there was a time in my life I worked full time.  I was a single mom, and did both the Mom and Dad job.  Anyway, my dear, sweet Boss, that helped me in so many ways, passed away this weekend.  So many memories flooded in my head about years gone by.  I adored him and his wife so much.  I called his wife and told her how I wish I could be there. I always liked to think of them as the heart of San Clemente:)

That is all for now XO


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, Julieann.

    My oldest will be on Fall Break from college the first week of October - she is ready for a break! I hope you enjoy your time with your kiddos...

  2. Dear Julieann,
    I just now saw this post. Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your friend. It is never easy to say good-bye to those whom have been meaningful in our lives.
    Someone has said," Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory that no one can steal."
    Thinking of you, dear bloggy friend, and sending hugs.
    You're an amazing wife and Mom and you do a great job. Your family is blessed because of you.

    Take extra good care,


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