Good Morning!
Today is Tuesday, and there was a little chill in the air:)
It was red, white and blue day at school today. It was cute seeing all the kids so colorful at school. My little boy knows, the Pledge of Allegiance by heart, I am so proud!
I have started decorating for fall, this is my fireplace. Do you see those scarecrows standing on the ground, my MIL gave me those ...oh, how I adore scarecrows. The ones sitting on my mantel I got at the dollar store, pretty good deal, huh? I like to think of these scarecrows part of Fred's family...LOL.
You don't have to read on, the rest is me just writing about my son's allergy, I sometimes need to write about it, it helps me......
On another note, after I pack my son's lunch, I look over all the ingredients on everything, maybe three or five times, and then when I am home, I run it all through my head again, then sometimes panic sets in thinking I may have missed something. Everytime the phone rings I jump.....Everyday I pick my son up from school is an accomplishment for both of us...I drive my son to school, and pick him up..I am sometimes in my car up to two hours a day, do to traffic and lines and buses and such. You see, he is in Kindergarten and much too young to administer the Epi Pen if he needs it. The buss can be the most unsafe place for him, peanut butter flying every where......when he is older, and can administer his own epi pen, Maybe he will be able to take the bus. I don't mind driving him AT ALL, but he sees all the little kids on our street boarding the bus, and so wants to join them. He understands why he can't. The Epi pen is with us at all times, it is with me until I walk him to the school doors, and then the nurse has another set for him when he enters the doors, he can never be without it, NEVER!!! He wears a medic bracelet that has all this vital info on it....Grocery shopping is another adventure, I have to read every item's ingredients everytime. This one bread I use to buy faithfully has now added a nut label, so now I have found another brand, Pepperidge Farm seems to be a great company that really caters to food allergies. I had bought a hair treatment for my hair, this was awhile ago...and I could not read all the ingredients, (Now I carry a Magnifying glass with me) I had to give the hair treatment away because it contained nut oil.....NUTS are in everything!
Hi Julieann
ReplyDeleteLove the scarecrows! So happy Fall is here
my favorite time.
It's so unfortunate for you to have to worry constantly about Kevin's allergy.
I know a few moms that are going through the same thing, it's a constant stress factor.
I work at a grill/ice cream parlor where we get many families with young children.The amount of children with peanut allergy is very high.
My son is now 22 and remembering when he was in grade school, there was only 1 child that had it. It has sky rocketed since then! Do you have any idea where it's coming from? I heard that it comes from the vaccines, but you cant believe everything you hear, and I don't know anyone personal that has it for me to ask.
Love your blog, been reading it for years now. You are such a happy homemaker and that's great! Happy Fall!