Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Salon :)

 This was fun. 

Sissy asked to have her hair professionally cut and styled.
So we did some research, and found a really cute salon to take her too.  The lady was AWESOME!!!

Her hair tuned out beautiful!!

She wanted swoopy bangs :)


  1. Oh my goodness....she has became a young lady. She was so little and young when I first came blogging here.

  2. Wow...your daughter has grown up so much! I think finding a good stylist and salon is a scary situation. Any pointers?


  3. Thank you Chrissy and Jen :)

    Also, Jen...we did a lot of research on the internet, and the lady we found had wonderful comments about her all over the net. When I called, I got that gut feeling that I could trust her. When I met her she was so sweet and helpful and her prices were very reasonable too.....I will go back to her. :o)


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