Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Dinner Picture Time!

Happy Wednesday!
Here are a few pictures of some dinners:)

Baked chicken, angel hair pasta, sauteed asparagus

Pork chops, macaroni and cheese, corn and a few fried mushrooms!


Crockpot Beef and macaroni.

All these dinners were served with a nice green salad :)

I also want to say, be kind to eachother.  Everyone on God's beautiful, green Earth has their own story, their own pain, their own sadness.  Kind words and smiles work wonders.  We all have happy days and we all have sad days....we are all human and make mistakes, none of us are perfect....
I wish each and everyone of you that stops by my little blog, much love and happiness all the days of your lives!!
This is your life, make God proud, treat yourself kindly and learn to forgive you and those around you :)



  1. As always, your food looks so great! Also, thanks for the words of encouragement/positive thoughts at the end of this post.

  2. Hi, Julieann! How do you make the Beef and Macaroni in your crockpot? It looks really good! Enjoy your day, and weekend!

    Robin :)

  3. Hello...all of your meals look yummy. I also enjoyed your encouraging words on Kindness. SO very true.

  4. Words of truth and beauty, my friend.

    Your plates look delish!



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