Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday :)

The "Great Room" what I found that this room is called when I was googling...LOL.  Well, it is an "Empty" room here :)

How would you decorate this room.  I got lots of ideas from the Internet.  What I have learned, is it is a more fancy type of living/sitting room?  This house is almost twice the size of our last home and I do not have any furniture to put in this room.  I was thinking some nice sitting chairs....any ideas?

Dinner was Roasted Chicken, Buttered Noodles, Spinach, and a Salad :)


  1. Library? Billiards Room? The possibilities are endless...hope you're all settled in and enjoying your new place!

  2. Hi Chrissy:) Thank you for the ideas :) I like the library idea a lot. A sitting room with lots of books.

    Yes, we are settling in very nicely..We just need more furniture...LOL.

  3. How about a memory room, a room with filled with pictures.
    The windows are gorgeous. Perfect to place a potted
    palm tree in front of each them.-
    A spiritual room......

  4. A baby grand would look pretty sweet in that room. = )


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