Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Dinner:

Sunday's Dinner:
Hamburgers smothered in mushrooms
Burnt Brussel Sprouts
Salad with lots of Avocado and tomatoes


  1. Julieann -

    Just have to say I've been reading your archives and really enjoying them...your energy and enthusiasm are contagious! Whenever I need a little motivation, a visit with you is just the thing!

    I deleted Winterpast a while ago, but I'm thinking of starting to blog again. If I do, I'll send you the link so you can come and visit.


  2. Chrissy, yes, yes, yes, I loved your blog Winterpast!! Please, if you do start one up, please let me know. After the move, I hope to be able to devote more time to blogging and reading, and I remember yours was one of my favorites back in the day :)

    Thank you so much for the kind words too, it really put a smile on my face:)



Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me