Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, December 13, 2010



It is Monday evening and dinner is done, kitchen is clean. We had Pork chops, steamed veggies, augratin potatoes, and a salad.

I also did a few loads of laundry

I really need to scrub my kitchen floor:)

...OH, and I am behind, so behind, on baking Christmas cookies. I have decided that this week, I will get all the ingredients I need, and bake, bake, bake...LOL:)
I finally found some Christmas cards that I really like, so I will be doing those this week also:) I love getting Christmas cards from family and friends, I hang them up so I can see them.

It is supposed to start getting cold, this week, and some rain too, YaY!! I love winter clothes, well, I just love clothes~~~pretty clothes, feminine clothes, girly-girl clothes. I think I am about to go on my *I LOVE BEING A GIRL POST*...LOL. No, I will do that another day, but as my profile says, there is nothing more satisfying to me, then being a wife and mother:)
Have a wonderful, warm and safe evening:)
Morning comes quick in this household.
...and so does my coffee...LOL


  1. Hope you had a great Monday Julieann!! I mailed your Christmas card this morning, I hope you like it and it gets there soon :)


  2. Hi Christina, Yay, I am excited, I love Christmas cards:) You will be getting mine very soon!!


  3. Hi Julieann, Thank you for that sweet comment. I agree with you, there is nothing more satisfying than being a wife and mother. Have a lovely day. Kathi ps love these vintage pictures; so cute.


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me