Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Cooking in the Kitchen:) Monday!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend:) As I was doing some cooking in the kitchen I snapped some pictures.

I made bruschetta as an appetizer. I got some french bread and cut it into little breads and then put them in the oven, after they were golden brown, I rubbed garlic on them and lightly brushed them with oil. I cut up tomatoes, minced some garlic, salt and pepper, and added oil. This is how my grandma always did it. You put the tomato mixture on the little breads , it is really good. We always called the Tomato mixture, Italian Salsa:)

I bought some Eggplant the other day, and as a side to my dinner, I breaded it and fried it. This is how it looked...

On the weekends I make big breakfasts. This was one of the breakfasts, Eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, and biscuits and gravy.

This was Sunday's dinner. I cooked the Pork Roast in the crock pot all day, with potatoes and carrots, Brussels sprouts and a nice green salad:) I also made gravy to put over the meat and potatoes.

Last night, it started to rain...and then it started to thunder and lightening. I loved it. Here in Cali, you don't get a lot of thunder and lightening, not like we did in Georgia. It is a chilly morning today too, but it has stopped raining. My plans for Monday, is to do a little bit of laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, and doing a little straightening in my daughter's room. Dinner tonight will be T-Bone steaks, I got a really great deal on them at the Albertson's.

Have a wonderful Monday!!!


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