Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blessed Sunday!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!
It was very warm in Southern California today, around 80 degrees. The forecast shows that the following week, will cool off and we will have some rain~YaY!!!
For dinner we had baby pork ribs, homemade macaroni and cheese, corn and a fresh green salad, with lots of avocado:)

Monday is almost here, and I am having such a wonderful time preparing for Jesus's Birthday:) Alexis can't wait to make his birthday cake!

It is getting late, and I have a few things to do before bed. See you in the morning with a hot cup of coffee...XO


  1. Good morning, Julieann! I'm here with my morning cup of coffee. :0) Just wanted to say and I always love reading your posts. Very encouraging and helpful!
    P.s. Have a wonderful week ahead!

  2. Hi Kelli:) I have my coffee too:) Thank you for the nice words, but I have to say it is your blog that encourages me!!! Happy week my friend.



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