Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, August 23, 2010


How is everyone doing out there in blog land? Things are doing well here. School starts very soon. I am not a true fan of summer, so I am very excited for fall to start. Fred will be making his appearance very soon. You all know who Fred is, right?...LOL.

Our vacation was awesome, and I am going to tell you, I DO NOT LIKE FLYING!!!!! Oh, how it scares me. Little Kevin did pretty good on his first airplane ride, my other children are pros. Anyway, I feel like I really need to do a lot around here, but to tell you the truth, I have been watching you tube videos of "Nancy Today" Oh, bless her heart I just love her videos, they make me smile!! Have any of you watched her videos? They are just so heart warming. Her food stock is just incredible...WoW!!
Have a great Monday:)


  1. Good for little Kevin for doing well.
    I've never heard of Nancy Today - I'm going to check her out.

  2. Mari, you have to check her out, she is a riot, in a very loving way. She does have some very creative recipes:)

  3. Hello, Julieann! I know what you mean about summer. I'm glad to know that Fred will be out and about your way soon. I'm planning a new fall wreath to debut the day after Labor Day.

    Glad Little Kevin was a good flier!


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