Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

Today is my *BIG* shopping day--I need everything--from staples to produce to meat--this should be fun. I found a really cool recipe in the RR magazine--you take a puff pastry and wrap meat and mashed potatoes in it, and all sorts of good stuff--I am going to change it a bit and add cheese:) I am also out of things that I enjoy eating--I like to get fat free cottage cheese and eat it with pita chips or crackers---I also get tortillas and spread hummus on it--LOVE hummus! This is a bit of a quick post--I am in between school drop offs--and then I will be off to the market!

....and then I will organize my fridge and wash and clean produce, break up meat in servings--....and, of course a few loads of laundry!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Have a happy busy Tuesday!!! It looks like you will. connie

  2. Sounds like a busy, fun, productive day! Happy Tuesday!

  3. What a fun day you have planned, enjoy shopping Julieann and Happy Tuesday


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