Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Happy Monday!!

Busy, Busy, Busy I tell ya! I am just enjoying this time of life with my family and children--I love keeping home, cooking, taking care of my family--and everything that it entails! Today, I am on laundry duty--almost done--yay! I baked bread over the weekend and washed my car---Kevin mowed the lawn and did a great job too. My son Tony turned 17 on Thursday and on Saturday we took him to the the restaurant of his choice --he chose the Outback, my sister and her family came along too, it was an awesome time---I just can not believe Tony is 17. I have a picture of the cake I made him that I will share too. I am going to be looking through my new Rachael Ray magazine and Taste of Home for some new and exciting dinner ideas for this weeks menu---I will doing my big shopping tomorrow.
Tonight is baked chicken.

If you have not yet joined the giveaway ---please join now--it is in the post below this one!!! I will be picking a winner tonight!


  1. Tell Tony we said Happy Birthday. Him and Jake share a birthday! Jake turned 16 so we were at the DMV getting his drivers license. They grow too fast don't they? Luke will be 15 April 26 and we will be at the DMV again getting his learners permit. WHEW!!

  2. Tell Tony we said Happy Birthday. Him and Jake share a birthday! Jake turned 16 so we were at the DMV getting his drivers license. They grow too fast don't they? Luke will be 15 April 26 and we will be at the DMV again getting his learners permit. WHEW!!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Tony! I remembered he was early March..Timmy turns 4 already on the 16th!! They all grow and get older so quickly don't they? I am glad to see all is ok and you are just busy..I was worried not seeing you on for a week! Have a great week ahead Jules! :)

  4. Happy Birthday to Tony!!! sounds like you all had a great birthday weekend. I know what you mean about loving everything about what you do. I feel the same way every single day of my life. It was my daughters birthday this weekend also, she turned 12. Oh my how they grow so fast
    happy day Julieann

  5. Happy birthday to your Tony! You don't look old enough to have a seventeen year old son. But, they grow so quickly, don't they?

    My youngest baby's turning 26 in May this year!!

    Both my daughter and my daughter-in-law have March birthdays. March is a good month!

  6. Tell Tony, that we wish him a happy belated birthday.

    I am so glad to find you happy and busy. I love Taste of home. It is one of my favorite places to get recipes.

    Hope the rest of your week is a very good one, Julieann. connie


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