Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Happy Friday!(Isn't this picture fun....LOL)

Do you ever just feel like going in the kitchen --and just cook and bake all day? That is how I feel today--I feel like baking and cooking wonderful things for my family. So I think that is what I am going to do today.

I am almost all caught up on my laundry--woohooo----Just a few more loads and I am done----until tomorrow...LOL.

I already walked my mile, so I am ready to start my day--I hope all who comes by has a wonderful Friday---can you believe it is already Friday--Easter is fast approaching--time to start planning the menu:)


  1. Hi Julieann
    Yes, I do walk into my kitchen and feel like baking. Have fun doing that. :) I am glad you didnt' post that anyone else got sick. Seems like it was a quick sickness. Thank God right. Happy Friday to you Julieann and have a great weekend

  2. Hi Deezie---yes, thank goodness, I think we are all in the clear---my poor girl seems to catch everything that gets passed around at school--I usually get it too--but hoping it skipped me too!


  3. I have been in a baking/cooking mood for the past few days. Unfortunately I'm still unpacking - yes, I'm slow - from the move so not much cooking going on around here if I can't put it in the crockpot.

  4. Love the picture - I've been feeling like that lately too! The problem is the calories that go along with that kind of cooking. :) I'm caught up on laundry too - till tomorrow!

  5. I had one of those days yesterday. The only part I hate is the cleaning up after.

  6. Julieann, can you read my post today, I need advice from a mom of the same age girl

  7. OOH FUN! I have PLENTY of days when I just want to cook and bake all day long!! My family surely loves it when I'm like that, too!!!

    PLEASE share what you made!! YUM!!

    Mrs. U

  8. Hello! I am dying to have a cooking and baking day like that, and it is so nice to have all the laundry done before you start! Have a wonderful week!

  9. Every now and then I would love to just get in my kitchen and try a new recipe. I am not for sure why I don't. Laziness I guess. But you always inspire me!


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me