Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, December 04, 2008


Today is the Book Fair at my daughter's school, so I am anxious to see what she picks out.
My mountain of laundry is now a little hill.
I made a big pan of chicken last night, so tonight I am going to make a chicken and rice casserole---with cheese--everything tastes better with cheese:)

...and a cake, I am going to make a chocolate cake for my family--just because.

It has finally cooled off here--which is nice---I love my winter clothes.

My Sil is going to come out in January (from Georgia)which I am so excited about--she told me she wants to go sight seeing--so I guess we will be taking her to see the stars on Hollywood. When she came out last time, we went to Disneyland and to the beach and to medieval times--that was a lot of fun.

I am going to straighten out my bookshelf and do some puttering around the home front. I will be by to visit you all too--Happy Thursday!


  1. I loved being close to Disneyland when I lived in Malibu. It is so much fun! I don't think we did any of the Hollywood stuff though. We really enjoyed Friday nights at the Santa Monica Promenade. I can still taste the fresh watermelon or carrot juice we'd get there.

  2. I agree....everything tastes better with cheese. When I was little I loved the book fair. I am a big reader, when I have time.


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