Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

More Pictures--Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner, we had a Prime Rib Roast and a Baked Ham
I made Homemade Dinner Rolls

Appetizer Table!

Stuffed Mushrooms

I didn't get as many food shots as I would have liked---I was rather involved with so many things going on that day...LOL.


  1. OMGoodness ! Everything looks soooo good - especially that Prime Rib! *drools*
    Could you share the recipe for the stuffed mushrooms? I would love to give them a try. :o)

    Lol about not getting enough food shots... I usually remember the camera when my plate is half eaten and everything looks so picked over!

  2. Looks so good. I love Prime Rib but haven't had it in a long time. I am glad that your Christmas Dinner came out nice.

  3. What a wonderful dinner. I want a mushroom now!

  4. Your appetizer table looked
    incredible! And prime rib is a great meat to have for
    Christmas. Because most people do not have it very often
    Thanks for sharing the special day with us!
    Pamela NE Ohio

  5. Looks like you had an amazing Christmas dinner! Thanks for sharing!

  6. OMG I didn't get Christmas dinner and this looks amazing.

  7. Everything looks so good.
    Did I see develed eggs on your appetizer table. Those are one of my favorites.

  8. OH YUM Julieann!! Everything looks SO good, but I especially have my eye on those stuffed mushrooms! Any chance you would share the recipe???

    Mrs. U


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