Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Lot's Going On--Tuesday!

First I want to thank Betty-Jo for playing with me in the Mr. Linky post---I hope you enjoyed looking at my neighborhood--I would have loved to have seen all of yours, but like ANN said--I didn't really realize how blistery cold it is in certain places--oops:)

Anyway, Girl Scouts was yesterday and Alexis and all the little girls are going to go to a retirement home over the weekend and sing Christmas songs for the elderly. She has Bible school today and she has decided she wants a big girl Bible---she doesn't want to bring her child's Bible anymore, so I am letting her use mine today----sooooo, my question is for you is what Bible do you suggest for a 7 year old---kind of a big girl Bible? This may also make a nice gift too.

Farmer's Market is today after I take Tony to school and stop at the .99 cents store for some bags I need.

I used my deep fryer and fried some broccoli---oh was it good---not healthy but GOOD...:)

I baked a chicken on Sunday on Monday I made Chicken Dumplings.and last but certainly not least--look what I found in my bed....LOL

Have a wonderful Tuesday---I will post about what I find at the Farmer's Market this week. Stay warm it is chilly outside:)


  1. Very beautiful!.
    Very nice blog.

  2. Precious Moments has a beautiful bible Jules.....Comes in pink leather cover for girls, baby blue for boys or just white if you prefer. I give them as communion/christening gifts and you can find them in any book store :) Another nice idea is your standard black cover bible with a pretty cover from Vera Bradley or a craft sister crocheted one for my daughter years ago-she is her godmother.

  3. When my daughter decided she wanted a big girl Bible, I went to the local Christian bookstore and found one with a purple cover. She loves it.

    The chicken looks delicious. And the little ones in your bed are adorble.

  4. The chicken dinner looks yummy. I love dumplings too!
    How cute...your little blessings in bed with mommy. My 3 year old wakes me up in the night to sleep with me. Have fun at the Market.

  5. My parents are sending my daughter a bilble for Christmas so Im not sure what one it will be. She is 8 so Im sure it will be age apprpriate. I like finding my daughter in my bed at night. It's usually her and a few animals:) I have an award for you, come pick it up:)

  6. Oh I love the sleeping picture of the girls. There's nothing sweeter. And the fried broc looks so yummy!!!

    Sorry I can't help with the Bible question.

  7. Hi Julieann,
    I would have played the game with the pictures but I didnt' know how
    sorry about that.
    okay I bought my girls the Precious Moments bible. They love it. that broccoli looks yummy

  8. oh boy does alexis look like you!!!

  9. OK, those chicken dishes look so good! I can almost smell them!
    The picture of Alexix and Little Kevin is so precious!

  10. Megans Girl Scout group just went caroling to a nursing home last night.
    I went along too.
    I like listening to and singing Christmas carols.

    I always like seeing what you prepare for your meals. The chicken / potato/ carrot meal looks especially good.


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me