Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Join The Blog Roll Course!

Project Home Economics: A One Year Course!

Don't forget about this---> This is a great blog about learning/re-freshing or re-learning everything there is to know about Home Keeping.
Elizabeth is doing such a fantastic job with this:)

Blog Roll Post!


  1. Hi Julieann!!
    I did not know about this! I am so glad that you shared this! Looks like I'm a little late, though, so I need to go back and read all the posts! How encouraging!

    Mrs. U

  2. Thank you for posting this. I didn't know about it. I better get over and get reading. Have a great day!

  3. looks like 6th grade home ec,,,,, common sense..lollllllll

  4. Anonymous--I guess a lot of it is common sense, but for a lot of us, we enjoy reading about what we love to do--and every one can get something out of her blog that is written so beautifully:) I bet you could add a tip or two, too.



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P.S. You can always email me