Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Am Excited.....

...I am off to get one of my Christmas presents....:::giggles::: Be back shortly to share it.

It is something small, but something I love:)

*UPDATE---I got my nails done---a French manicure!!! Do you know how hard it is to take a picture of your own hand...LOL

I have always have had nails done this way for as long as my husband has known me--but when I get pregnant they come off ( or move across country 4 times)---so for Christmas this is what I asked for:)


  1. While I was waiting (very impatiently, I might add...LOL!) for the Christmas present update, I checked out the Grocery List Maker in your side bar... and I LOVE it!

    I'm still wracking my *just barely awake* brain, and all I can think of is jewelery?
    Or Fritos... which tells you what I'm craving right about now. :o(
    Alas... no Fritos in this stinkin' country!

  2. How pretty. Good for you. You deserve something nice. I will be sending you an email shortly with a little gift to you.
    Hugs, BJ

  3. Your nails look so nice. It's time I got mine done too.

  4. Your nails look so pretty.
    I know it was wonderful just to go out and have them done.
    Pamela NE Ohio

  5. Oh I am so happy for you! My hubby too, has known that this is a special thing for me. I work so hard on cleaning the house, taking care of the farm animals that I can't grow my own.

    Your hands are beautiful. Good for you sis. I am happy for you!

  6. What a great Christmas present! Your nails look great. I love french manicures. My husband likes how they look on me too!

    Have a happy new year!


  7. girl I would love some me time.Looks great.

  8. I've never gotten my nails done.
    I would like to sometime.

    For Christmas I did get a foot massage/ pedicure certificate.
    So I will be getting that done sometime soon.

  9. Oh so so pretty Julieann, I have never had my nails done. wow looks so good
    What a fun Christmas gift

  10. PRETTY!!! I've been thinking about getting a French manicure! It looks so pretty on your hand- I am even more tempted now!

    Mrs. U


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