Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday--Clean Your Oven day!

Good Morning--it is Wednesday and it is supposed to be hot one today--it was 92 degrees yesterday--I had to turn the air on it was so warm, and it is supposed to be a hot one today too. Alexis got these new boots for school and she wants to wear them so bad--but with this heat--she would be uncomfortable.

I visited a few *new* blogs yesterday---they were such nice homemaking blogs--they aren't new--just new to me and I am glad I stopped by--so if any of you come by :::Waiving::::

I sprayed the No-Fume oven spray in my oven and I will be cleaning that today----it is an unspoken law that right before Thanksgiving you are supposed to clean your oven---so that is what I am doing.

I am also sewing these little Angels for Christmas--it is a slow process, but I want them done by Christmas so I can give them to my Grandma, StepMom and Sister----

Remember in my last post, I said I was not nervous for the work to be done on Little Kevin--I am not nervous about that--but last night I could not sleep--I kept thinking about how he is going to be afraid about what is going on, so please say an extra pray for Little Kevin tomorrow that it goes by quick and smoothly--I would so appreciate it--Thank you.

This is the Napa Cabbage all cut up and put in a big pan: It looks like a lot.

This is the cabbage all cooked down----we like it really crispy

This is the pork, that I cut into big bite size pieces--cooking away

This is the pork all fried up with Onions and mushrooms added to it...

This is the Green Salad with all the fixings--Cheese and Avocados are served on the side

Thank you for looking at my dinner and visiting with me today---I always enjoy what others have to say and I enjoy all your blogs--Have a terrific day!


  1. Oh my gosh! Your food looks so delicious and your salad nice and pretty! I better go have my breakfast!
    I will be sure to pray for Little Kevin, that things will go perfectly.

  2. Keeping little kevin in my thoughts. HUGS

    As far as your temperature? WOW

    It's cold here in the 40's cloudy and VERY windy. In fact I had to put on the heat to take the chill out.

    You dinner looked fabulous. Thanks for sharing that.

  3. You always make the yummiest things. Looking at ru pic's makes me hungry :)
    Love & Prayers,

  4. Your dinner looked delicious! Do you boil your pork first? So yummy looking. I will be thinking about little Kevin tomorrow (and you too!) He will be just fine, you are doing the right thing Jules. As for your weather, could you send some here? We are having snow showers and it is downright bone chilling out! They are calling for milder weather, reaching almost 60 for Halloween and I certainly hope so. Have a good night!

  5. your dinner looks really yummy, especially the salad with cheese and avocado :)

    I hope everything goes well for littlekevin...will be praying.

  6. your dinner looks so yummy! I like having lots of vegetables at a meal.

    Thanks for the reminder about cleaning the oven. I have a self-cleaning oven and have been waiting for some cooler weather so I can let it heat up and burn off all that gunk inside.

    And bless you and little Kevin, I will remember him in my prayers.

  7. Praying for little Kevin. I hope all goes well with his appoitment.
    I do that same thing at night..wake up..worry...and can't get back to sleep.

    MMNN!! Your meals look delicous!!

  8. MMMMMM...I bet your house smells yummy!! I will left Kevin up in prayer for a peaceful dentist visit!

  9. oh, and I 'll send you over some of our 40 degree FLORIDA weather...for pete's sake! :-)

  10. Little Kevin , you and your family will be in my prayer tonight and tomorrow. I had to go to the dentist today. - no fun, but feel better now.

    When Luke was 1 or 2 years old he had to have a lot of dental work done. The dentist said he did not get enough calcium for his teeth. The pedeodontist sedated him and it didn't really bother him - although my heart ached for him.
    But the good news is that his adult teeth - he is 14 now are perfect - no decay or any other sign of less than normal teeth. Hope that helps to comfort you a little.


  11. Little Kevin , you and your family will be in my prayer tonight and tomorrow. I had to go to the dentist today. - no fun, but feel better now.

    When Luke was 1 or 2 years old he had to have a lot of dental work done. The dentist said he did not get enough calcium for his teeth. The pedeodontist sedated him and it didn't really bother him - although my heart ached for him.
    But the good news is that his adult teeth - he is 14 now are perfect - no decay or any other sign of less than normal teeth. Hope that helps to comfort you a little.


  12. I will be right over for dinner!! Yummy:))) I was thinking about little Kevin today and will do the same tomorrow.


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me