Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hello, It's Monday!

Monday--I really like Mondays--it is the start of the new week. I have lots of things I want to do this week--I also have lots of things I have to do this week. Tuesday, I have an appointment with Tony's academic adviser, we are going to go over Tony's highschool plan for school. On Friday, I have an appointment with my Doctor, he is going to give me a checkup to make sure everything is okay with me. Also, I am getting all my coupons together and making my lists and I am going to do some grocery shopping tomorrow--so hopefully I will be able to share my dinner plan--if I don't get it up in a post, hopefully I will have it up on my sidebar--don't hold me to that though...LOL.

(Today, I am going to stay home and just do a lot of cleaning, so I can focus on other things during the rest of the week)

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend--we had a nice one. Lots of pool time for the kids:) Alexis is also going to go to a gymnastics class on Wednesday--the first class is free--so if she likes it, we will sign her up. It has been really warm here--the A/C is back on--I am totally eyeing the first day of Fall on my calendar September 22nd--I am so ready for Fall and to put Fred out. All the wonderful cooking and baking--I am so excited--also, I need to find recipes for my new Cuisinart--I see Rachael Ray use it all the time and I can't think of one recipe...LOL.

I took out some ground beef-- so, dinner will be something with ground beef. I am pretty much all ready for the school year, I have all the supplies and the kids have all their new clothes---so anything else I see will just be extra.

That is all for now--and I just want to let everyone know--I am fine--I am still sad--I am getting through this--and I have my happy times, and then I have my sad times---but I am getting through this--I have such a nice husband who is a wonderful support system----

Have a Wonderful Day!!


  1. Life must, and does, go on even when we are hurting. Still praying for you, friend!

  2. We are still praying for you dear friend. School doesn't start here until Aug 26 so I still have a little more time at home with the boys during the day. Our temps here feel like the fall at 2pm it was 63! Our cool spell will only last a few more days and then temps will be back warm again. Yet it still makes me yearn for fall!!

  3. Hi Julieann,
    Hope your day goes well for ya'. Sometimes getting back to a bit of normalcy can help. Yet, your heart and mind will drift ever lovingly and perhaps sadly to thoughts of your little one who is now in God's loving hands. Take care of your self and don't push your self to hard. OK...Ok.
    Love & Prayers,

  4. It sounds like you are returning to some sense of normalcy. That is good. Your spirit sounds great too. I'm still praying for you. ((hugs))

  5. Dear Julieann, I know you are fine and are getting through your loss with the help of your dh. I just wanted you to know that I love you and am praying for you. connie from Texas

  6. You sound like you are doing somewhat better.It is so good to know that you are doing better in this difficult time. I am waiting on Fall too! I love it so much, but around here it does not last long at all.

  7. Hi Julieann! I read your blog right now because I've been too busy for these last days.

    When I opened your blog I noticed that there was something missing but I didn't realized what.

    I'm really sorry about this. I know what it means. My mother had a miscarriage when I was a little younger and she felt really numb. She also felt pain and she was lucky because when she arrived to the hospital, a nurse told to my father that if she had arrived only 5 minutes later, she would have died.

    I hope you're ok, I know that it'll be hard because it's an important thing but I know that a strong woman like you will be able to carry on!

    A lot of kisses for you from Spain!


  8. With my daughter starting kindergarten in 2 short weeks, I'm beginning to look forward to Fall. I keep reminding myself to fully enjoy summer as it never seems to last long enough, but I can't help but get excited about my most favorite season of all!

  9. I'm glad to hear you are working through your pain and having your happy signs. I keep you in my prayers.

    I too can't wait for fall. I am ready, though not ready, if that makes any sense?

    WE started back homeschooling because we both needed the full routine back. It is funny but it truly helps kiera stay centered.

    I love fall. I don't cook too much in the summer, a lot of quick dinners, mostly cooking on the grill.

    I long for summer to last and I long for fall to get here. Can't seem to make me happy? I love the cool weather, light jackets, leaves changing color, collecting leaves, coloring leaves and making crafts. Pumpkin patches, apple picking, hot apple cider, hot cocoa. Fall is wonderful in New England.

    Big hugs...

  10. Juliane, Just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you and praying for you too.
    I am sad for you too.

    Sounds like you too are busy getting ready for school. We have all the supplies and clothes purchased.

  11. I can't wait for the autumn season to begin either! We had some cool mornings recently and I "enhanced Grace's imagination" by having us wear pants and pretending that it was fall. A true learning experience, right? LOL! (I look forward to the fun baking, too!!)


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P.S. You can always email me