Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday Update!

Yesterday afternoon, I took the kids to the Mall--yes the Mall--it was Tuesday so the crowds were not that bad--there were actually a lot of moms like me with there kids and strollers. Those of you that know me, or have been reading here a while, know, I am not a big fan of the Mall--correction, I am not a fan of the prices at the Mall--I am a Walmart/Target kind a gal...LOL. My daughter just adores the mall and I understand, because when I was a young girl I loved the mall too--and when I was a teenager my friends and I spent countless hours there--I even worked at that Mall when I was 16...<----was that a run on sentence or what...:::giggle::: We had lunch at the Food Court---then we went into this one store and they were having a SALE on Webkinz--I actually got 2 for 15 dollars---if you are familiar with Webkinz, you will know that is an awesome price! Then we went on to Build a Bear and bought her *Dog* a new bathing suit, underwear and cell phone--then we went into other stores and just looked, also, Little Kevin enjoyed the glass elevator----THEN----I forgot OLD NAVY is in the Mall---have you ever been to Old Navy--I forget about this store--but the (most)prices are just as low as Walmart--and I also did not relaize they have a Maternity section--Look what I bought--->

This blouse is so much prettier then what the picture shows--it is so light and flowing

..and then these Capris--yes, I know it is not a skirt---I do wear jeans and capris occasionally, and I just fell in love with these----->

..and I loved the price--on sale woohoo!

...okay, then we got home, I made dinner--we had Tacos. So today, I am going to do housework and I have to do the follow up shampoo on my daughter--actually Kevin will do it for me when he gets home. I am slow cooking my Spaghetti Sauce with the meatballs for tonight's dinner. I have to scrub my shower--it is getting a little icky.

Happy Wednesday!!


  1. I went to Target too! LOL I will have to blog Man I am gonna have a ton of updates today! :) plus I have to pick up that award EKK

  2. This has nothing to do with your post..LOL, but do you have a notebook for all of your recipes? And if so, would you mind sharing it on here. Thanks, I really need the motivation to keep mine organized.

  3. What a pretty outfit. We have no malls where I live. Our nearest Walmart is an hours drive and Target is about 2 hours. Needless to say with the gas prices I have been doing a lot of shopping over the internet.

  4. I love Target & Walmart too! My dd prefers the mall as well. She's 13 now and is just starting to get into fashion and accessories & stuff. She's such a girlie girl and I love that!

  5. I enjoy walking around the mall and looking on occasion, which happens maybe once every three months.

    EVERYTHING seems so expensive there though. My fav store in the mall is the teaching store.

    I too am a walmart/target girl.

    Kiera is speechless in the mall, too much to see and want I think. Sensory overload or something.

    Today would be a good mall day because its raining.

    Love your old navy deals.

  6. It sounds like you guys had fun! We don't usualy go to the mall either. You kind of sound like my mom. She's not a fan of the prices either. We went to the mall together looking for my promotion dress. We didn't get too bad of a price on it. We also went to the mall on Tuesday for my mom's birthday. My stepdad bought her some perfumes and lotions from Victoria's Secret.
    I must admit, I'm kind of jealous of your great deals, but it's for you and your baby. So in that case, I'm really happy. Meatballs sound good!=)


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