First---I got the shoe organizer at Target--they did not have pink, but they had clear, and it was under 6 dollars--which was great. I hung it up and Alexis put her dolls in--I am going to go in her room today and help finish organizing it. Jen, the one I have pictured is from the Walmart website---it is called a Whitmor, and they have it available to order online--I for one, don't have the patience to order online...LOL--I am more sort of a *NOW* person--so I went to Target and got one...LOL. Same style, just it is clear instead of pink. Let me know if you get one.
I titled my post *Patience* because I have none. We just got the letter from the government stating we will be getting our Stimulus check by July 11th---talk about being LAST!!! I kept having to bite my tongue, because my husband had no idea that when he filed our taxes through H&R block that it would affect are check status--when he filed there was no talk of stimulus checks yet--so I keep having to remember that. Before I was married, I did things differently--and I have to learn to accept that not everyone does things the way I do--especially my husband, he has his own set of ideas of how things are done. It took me a long time to accept the fact that he enjoys going grocery shopping--and sometimes, if the kitchen was in need of things, he would take it upon himself to pick things up after work--I have embraced this part of him...LOL. Also, when he went up to Oregon and placed first he won money--he got 500.00 for winning and then they told him they would send him a check for 1,300.00 to ensure his trip to Atlanta---well this was well over a month ago, and his ticket is purchased, and they are totally lollygagging on this--they just emailed him YESTERDAY!!! saying they needed him to sign this paper and then fax it back and then they would get the check in the mail---and on top of this during this month of me going to the mail everyday--the guy that was signing the check went on vacation before he even signed the check--talk about frustration!!!! For over a month I have been running to the mail box looking for this check--and all this time it has been sitting on someone's desk in Oregon waiting to be signed from someone who is on vacation--I have NO patience!!! I pray for patience all the time, and think God is trying to teach me--because I then think hard and appreciate everything I do have---and why am I so in need of having this money in my hands---I don't like money at all and then I love it too---LOL. *Whew* That sure was long --I hope it made sense to you, if you got this far.
I also want to post something about my life--it is not perfect by any means--but it is perfect for me. Do I have bad days?-- absolutely--do I ever wake up in a slump?--absolutely--but, I do things to turn things around---I do things I enjoy to get me out of it--I reflect on the things that are wonderful. Do I get sad, oh, I sure do--there is not a day that goes by that it hits me that my mother is no longer here. When I found out I was pregnant, I wanted so desperately to pick up the phone and call her ---I have to LET GO and LET GOD!!! God is good and I have to remember that my mother is in good hands. Also, is my home ever messy--:::Giggles:::: YES!!! it isn't dirty--I don't let it get dirty--but it does get out of control at times---sometimes, I have a full dishwasher, and a sink full of dirty dishes, wrinkled clothes in the dryer, with full baskets of dirty clothes----I have spots on my carpet and crumbs on the floor at times too. Do I argue/disagree with my husband, sure do--do I love him? With all my heart:)
Today, since I have been out and about for almost a week--I have tons to catch up--so this is one of those days, that I am going to put my hair up in a ponytail and get on my hands and knees and scrub floors and organize. Do I feel guilty, nope!! ---- my kids can have a day of playing at home:)
I bought a nice pork roast yesterday so I am going to slow cook that today with all the fixings. I will also take pictures of the produce like I mentioned before.
I titled my post *Patience* because I have none. We just got the letter from the government stating we will be getting our Stimulus check by July 11th---talk about being LAST!!! I kept having to bite my tongue, because my husband had no idea that when he filed our taxes through H&R block that it would affect are check status--when he filed there was no talk of stimulus checks yet--so I keep having to remember that. Before I was married, I did things differently--and I have to learn to accept that not everyone does things the way I do--especially my husband, he has his own set of ideas of how things are done. It took me a long time to accept the fact that he enjoys going grocery shopping--and sometimes, if the kitchen was in need of things, he would take it upon himself to pick things up after work--I have embraced this part of him...LOL. Also, when he went up to Oregon and placed first he won money--he got 500.00 for winning and then they told him they would send him a check for 1,300.00 to ensure his trip to Atlanta---well this was well over a month ago, and his ticket is purchased, and they are totally lollygagging on this--they just emailed him YESTERDAY!!! saying they needed him to sign this paper and then fax it back and then they would get the check in the mail---and on top of this during this month of me going to the mail everyday--the guy that was signing the check went on vacation before he even signed the check--talk about frustration!!!! For over a month I have been running to the mail box looking for this check--and all this time it has been sitting on someone's desk in Oregon waiting to be signed from someone who is on vacation--I have NO patience!!! I pray for patience all the time, and think God is trying to teach me--because I then think hard and appreciate everything I do have---and why am I so in need of having this money in my hands---I don't like money at all and then I love it too---LOL. *Whew* That sure was long --I hope it made sense to you, if you got this far.
I also want to post something about my life--it is not perfect by any means--but it is perfect for me. Do I have bad days?-- absolutely--do I ever wake up in a slump?--absolutely--but, I do things to turn things around---I do things I enjoy to get me out of it--I reflect on the things that are wonderful. Do I get sad, oh, I sure do--there is not a day that goes by that it hits me that my mother is no longer here. When I found out I was pregnant, I wanted so desperately to pick up the phone and call her ---I have to LET GO and LET GOD!!! God is good and I have to remember that my mother is in good hands. Also, is my home ever messy--:::Giggles:::: YES!!! it isn't dirty--I don't let it get dirty--but it does get out of control at times---sometimes, I have a full dishwasher, and a sink full of dirty dishes, wrinkled clothes in the dryer, with full baskets of dirty clothes----I have spots on my carpet and crumbs on the floor at times too. Do I argue/disagree with my husband, sure do--do I love him? With all my heart:)
Today, since I have been out and about for almost a week--I have tons to catch up--so this is one of those days, that I am going to put my hair up in a ponytail and get on my hands and knees and scrub floors and organize. Do I feel guilty, nope!! ---- my kids can have a day of playing at home:)
I bought a nice pork roast yesterday so I am going to slow cook that today with all the fixings. I will also take pictures of the produce like I mentioned before.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for letting me know specifics about the organizer. I will run down the road to our new Super Target and get a couple of these STAT. Hee-hee, I'm one of those must-have-it-now types too. ;-)
Years ago a wise minister told me to be careful about praying for patience, and instead suggested I ask for gentleness to employ while learning patience. Surely you realize, said he, that God may give you what you ask for, and it may take a l-o-n-g, l-o-n-g time. (Think about the humor is asking God to grant patience...but quickly please!!) Your post brought that all back to mind! I also used to freely pray for Deliverance from things. This same minister, sage counsel that he was, suggested praying the Lord's will be done, and that would never fail. I share that with you, my dear sister, for whatever it can mean to you.
So glad to walk beside you on this road of life. I know what you mean about missing your mom every day. Never a day passes that I don't miss my Dad too. We will see them again some glad and glorious day. Take extra good care.
ReplyDeleteI THINK you asked me about the rebate check before, and it goes according to the last 2 digits of your husband's social. Nothing else. I really don't think it has anything to do with who he filed with,. That's my understanding anyway. We got ours the first week, but my hubby ends in -08.
I loved this honest post!
Great post and thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteJulieann!!!! I just stopped by quick to say hi and I saw the baby... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I could not be happier for you, yay!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI can so relate with what you said about patience and accepting other people's ways of doing things!! I read a cute story once about a man who was praying and praying for patience and these things kept happening that would just set him off and he was so frustrated!! He asked the Lord why, and He said, you asked me for patience, and I have multiplied opportunities for you to become patient!! I think about that all the time. The Lord really wants me to practice being patient, I think....!!!
So I missed it, what did hubby place first in? I am very much all over our money situation so I would go crazy having someone not sending the check on time.
ReplyDeleteI don't have to pray for patience. I have a boy in my Sunday School class that ensures I get a weekly dose of trials that test my patience. I have to remember that the best place for him is in Sunday school, and also it helps knowing that he moves up to the next class in September. Then my kids will be the ones trying my patience.
Have a wonderful day! (you can come clean my house anytime)
Julieann, I could have written this post about my husband wanting to do things his way, and his "quick" grocery trips as well. :-) I had to learn patience with that too. Marriage is hard, hard work...but it is so, so worth it. :-) I agree with you in your posts about enjoying being a woman in this day and age, and in our wonderful country. I wouldn't want to do what my husband has to do every day, I feel so blessed that I have the choice to be home with my kids. (And I still have days where I'd like to hand them off to the nearest passing stranger!)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I will join with you and your other readers, to pray for patience, or pray for gentleness, or pray for understanding of what God's plan is for us.
Hi Julieann,
ReplyDeleteThat was a great post, I am going to try the organizer thing too for my girls barbies and dolls.
About Patience, well you really hit home with that one for me. I am like you, I like to do it now or yesterday if thats possible.
Me too about my mom, thinking about her everyday has been a big one for me. I know its only been 9 months since my mom passed but it feels like yesterday and I too go to pick up the phone to call her and I realize I have no momma anymore. Oh how that hurts.
Have a fabulous day today :)
Good Morning Julieann. I am not a patient person either. I made the mistake of asking God to help me with patience and I have my quirky 75 year old FIL living with me. When he moved down with us, I had only seen him like 4 or 5 times so we didn't have a relationship. We weren't here two whole months and he was here too. He should have waited until we were all settled, that is a another story in itself. It is so hard. He was supposed to be temporarily (we are putting a house for him on one of our acres) and he still here after 8 months later.I have to let go and let God. I am learning but I have been fighting it all the way lol. I agree with Jen, it does take a long long time. I learned to ask for God's will to be done or gentleness while learning patience.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the wonderful and honest post.
Have a blessed day.
Great post Julieanne.
ReplyDeleteI pray for patience for myself everyday.
So sad your mom isn't there for you.
I thought about the same thing that Kitty did. You know what they say happens when you pray for get those lovely opportunities to grow in patience!
ReplyDeleteYou have such a great attitude about being a homemaker. It's always refreshing to read your thoughts.
HAHA!!! Oh Julieann!! I say "lollygagging" ALL the time!!!!! :)
Mrs. U