Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Feminine Friday!

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Today is Friday so that means it is *Meme* time. This Friday I am going to show you two things that complete a feminine look--some accessories. First of all this purse--isn't it just so purty--it is so soft too--and I can fit a lot of stuff in it--it has a matching wallet, key chain and cell phone holder. It is clean---and neat. I was telling Kevin I needed a new purse, and I just could not find the right one---I was looking everywhere---I had an idea of what I wanted, then one day my sister came over with this purse that she had gotten and decided she didn't like it, so she gave it to me brand new, still with tags--what a nice gift.--Well, I love it---- Now on to shoes---remember I said last week to keep your feet nice looking with a home pedicure--well after that nice pedicure--put some pretty feminine sandals on, not some kind of manly shoes, but a girly shoe:)
This is to show the slight heel they have--I love these sandals and they go with all my dresses.
Thank you so much for coming over to visit my *Feminine Friday*---PLEASE, go over to Kelly's Blog--Barefoot Mama, and join in--she has the rules posted and a MR. Linky of all the other people that are playing--so add your link and show us your Feminine side:) Thank you Kelly for hosting this! I adore being a girl.


  1. What would summer be without girly sandals?! :-) I love yours. What a pretty blog you have. I enjoyed my visit. :-)

  2. I agree. Girly sandals are an important part of summer's fun! Yours are pretty.

  3. I love the shoes and the purse. I need to find a nice purse.
    Have a great rest of your day.

  4. Everything is so, so pretty, Julieann! Those shoes are perfect - I bet they go with so much, and they're dainty and stylish to match. :o) I also adore your purse. Aren't good ones tough to find?

    Thanks for playing along! (You'll be glad to know I have painted toes today, LOL!)

    P.S. I accidentally deleted the Mr. Linky (eek!) so I'm asking everyone to please oblige me and re-link to their posts for today. Thanks a bunch!

    In His Joy,

  5. Everything is so, so pretty, Julieann! Those shoes are perfect - I bet they go with so much, and they're dainty and stylish to match. :o) I also adore your purse. Aren't good ones tough to find?

    Thanks for playing along! (You'll be glad to know I have painted toes today, LOL!)

    P.S. I accidentally deleted the Mr. Linky (eek!) so I'm asking everyone to please oblige me and re-link to their posts for today. Thanks a bunch!

    In His Joy,

  6. I really like your shoes. I am a shoe attic. But I really never buy any because of being frugal but when I see a good deal I get it!

  7. Love your purse and shoes.
    I love to buy new sandals, purses, clothes...when I find a good deal too.


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me