Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

An Award

Thank You!

Ronda over at a Peachy Keen Life has given me this award. ::Sniff Sniff::: Thank you so much--it totally started my day off with a smile, and I am honored that she thought of me--Thank you so much.

Now the rules of this award is I have to pass this award on to 7 people--there are a few people that I would like to pass it on too, but they don't have blogs--they are just a few women that come here and visit with me and leave me the most amazing comments (so I know if they had a blog it would be brilliant) and send me some wonderful emails--so even though they don't have blogs I would like them to be acknowledged and know they are very much appreciated here at my blog--Jen, Catherine and Deezie:)

Now on to the blog awards, here are the 7 wonderful Blogs I am giving this award too:

Chrissy at Mothers Moments

Maria at Motherhood-Womanhood

Mrs. U at Making A House A Home

Kristina at Sweet Pea Wanderings

Crystal at Crystal's Musings

Rebecca at Rebecca and Tom

Sharon at Rose of Sharon

Here are the rules:
1.Put Logo on your blog
2.Add a link to the person who awarded you
3.Nominate 7 fellowbloggers for this award
4.Add Links to the recipients
5.Leave a comment to recipients let them know they have an award

I want to add that it was very difficult only picking 7--I adore every single blog that I visit and that is in my Google reader and on my sidebar and in my memory--I adore all of you--so please know, I thank each and every one of you that I know:)

P.S. I know some people do not like to play, so if you do not want to play--I totally understand--just know that you are very much appreciated!!!


  1. Thank you so very much for the awesome award! I love it and am so happy to receive it! I am behind on posting about my awards and will do so soon. Thanks again!

    I love your blog too Julieann! My soon to be daughter-in-law, Brittany, loves your blog too and you make her excited to be a young wife and some day mother! You were one of my very first blog friends when I started almost a year ago! Thanks for your friendship sweeite!

    Hugs, Sharon

  2. You really deserved the award Julieann because you do have an awesome blog, and I love they way it inspires me and others to be the best homemaker we can be. Be Blessed.

  3. Julieanne thank you so very much. You are so sweet. I really enjoy your blog. I love your positive spirit and that in most ways we are like minded.

    I am behind lately as usual, but I will post this and award to a number of others. I read some blogs, but unfortunatley rarely get a chance to comment.

    You really motivate me when I lose that side of me. :)

    Happy tuesday and thanks again.

  4. I was so excited and I have a big Cheesy Smile right now ! Thanks!

  5. Congrats on your award. I too like your blog and love coming to visit your blog too.

  6. OH Julieann, thank you so much, you made me cry today. I adore reading your blog and think you are just the sweetest person. Thanks again Julieann.
    Happy 10th week today :)

  7. Oh my goodness, thank you! My first award!! Sorry I am just getting to thank yo but we have been on our little vacation. You are so kind, my dear....thanks again!!!!


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me