Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I went to Albertson's yesterday, and I stocked up on fruits and veggies. I wanted to clean and cut all the veggies, but I ran out of time yesterday. Today is trash day, so yesterday, I ended up cleaning out both fridges and washing a lot of Tupperware, now I can refill the Tupperware with fresh veggies.

Here is my fruit bowl--I took this picture this morning--it had more fruits last night, but with a family of five it goes fast. Doesn't it look pretty.
Grapes, I keep these in the fridge--have you ever froze grapes---I tried, I liked them, but no one else in my family did. ...strawberries, 1.99 for a pack.
ohhhh, and here are some green onions--what do you call these onions, scallions? I just love these onions, I could eat every single one of them--especially dipped in dressing--yummy!!

After I went shopping, I had to put everything away, and then it was pickup time--I picked up Alexis, then I picked up Tony, and then I had to drop off the ballet tuition. Oh, I planned her Birthday Party on the 28th not even thinking about her recital--I came so close to making a mess of things---her recital is on the 29th--whew.

My dear hubby came home with a bag of dirty clothes, and I know his favorite jeans are in there waiting to be washed, so the very first thing I did this morning was run my washer.

I have some very exciting news, my Grandmother is coming home on July 5th---praise the Lord--oh, how I missed her. We talk on the phone nearly everyday, but it is not the same as having here with me. I told her I have a busy summer planed for us:)

I was blog hopping the other day--and I can not remember how I ended up on a certain blog, but it had the most wonderful recipe--for *Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes* I was looking at the recipe and had to get up and X'd out of it with out saving it--now for the life of me, I can not find it---I remember the first part --you boiled the potatoes--which I thought was interesting--and it looked so good--does any one know what recipe I am talking about, where you boil the potatoes first to make Cheesy Scalloped potatoes--do you know what blog I was on? Help!!

Happy Wednesday---now I am going to do another load of wash--turn my bread machine on, cut some veggies, prep some dinner--hopefully find that scalloped recipe--and visit all your wonderful blogs!!!

One more thought--there is a bit of a misconception about wearing Aprons--I don't wear one because I am so messy---I have my moments, of course--but I don't care how neat you are, you can get a spot on your dress by accident--and also--I just love aprons---it puts me in the mood(motivates me) to be a better wife and mother--makes me feel kind of retro :::giggles::: So, I have my apron on right now as I type---I think they make you look so feminine too:) :::cheers to all my apron wearing friends:::::


  1. was this it? (hbak)

  2. I am craving fruit salad now :)

  3. you made the fruit and veggies look so divine. yummy!!!!!have fun enjoying them

  4. Looks yummy I know that cost you. Fruit is so dang high now and I love it.

  5. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment!
    You have such a sweet blog too!
    Waving back at you neighbor Ü
    Have a blessed evening!

  6. Your fruit is wonderful! I need to buy some seasonal fruit, we still just have bananas and apples! I love the summer fruits!

    You had a busy day today! Hope you get some rest!

    Hugs, Sharon

  7. Just stopping by to say hello.

    Your fruit looks yummy!
    We love to eat fruit here too:
    apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, strawberries, cherries...mmmnn!

    How exciting that your grandma is coming.

    I hope to get a post up very or tomorrow.

    Hugs, Lori

  8. i love frozen grapes!!
    i wish our fruit at walmart looked good but it just doesn't. wally worldis the only store we have so i'm stuck lol

  9. Hey Julieann:

    I've read your blog for a while now but never commented. There is a food blog search engine that I use on my blog that is helpful when looking for recipes. If the link above is not what you are looking for, perhaps you can find it here. You have the sweetest blog and I enjoy reading about your daily life.

    Take care!

  10. I went out to the farmers market earlier today and purchase some organic local fruit and veggies. I am hoping to get out into the yard and pick some fresh mulberries and try making some mulberry jam this week. You have a great blog!


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me