Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Posts!

I have so many things that I am going to be posting about this week(with pictures)--I have Alexis's Birthday to share--Her Recital, Tony's trip, Menus, Pregnancy, Little Kevin, My Grandmother coming home, Home keeping and so much more. I will leave you tonight with this picture of me taking a rest on my stairs---yes, with a clown nose on....LOL. You all have a good night, and I will be up bright and early tomorrow and ready to share. Tonight I am going to go to bed early.
P.S. I am looking for some new homemaking blogs--if you know of some really good ones, or if you have one leave me the link please--I just love reading homemaking blogs----I need more though! Of course if I already visit you--you know I adore your blog, so you are excused from this task ----unless of course you know of other ones;) xoxox



    I hope I did this right:)
    This is a really great blog to visit. Hope you like it
    love your nose

  2. Congratulations!
    I'm so excited to see you are pregnant. :)

  3. Lady Lydia over at Home Living has a list of many fine homemaking blogs. Her address is

    Hope you find some you enjoy!


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me