Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all the congratulations---that was so very nice of all of you to take the time to comment--I appreciated it so much! I still can not believe it...LOL. Kevin was in shock--he knew we were trying but for some reason he thought it would take longer...LOL. I am so excited I don't even have any words. I am not showing of course, but it is neat to walk around with a secret that no one knows about--(until I tell them...LOL)

Okay, I have a full week ahead of me--today I have been busy---I washed windows with vinegar and water and newspapers--mirrors too. Then I scrubbed the shower in my bathroom----Today is a busy day. Over the weekend we took the little ones to a Bounce House Party---they enjoyed it. Alexis also had her rehearsal for her recital on Saturday--boy is this a big ballet production--I had no idea.

Tuesday--SHOPPING---and Alexis has a play date----the beach.

Wednesday---Movie playdate

Thursday----Still getting ready for the party.

Friday--Pick up helium tank---popcorn bags--pinata----set up tables--etc. Lots of prep cooking for the next day.

Saturday--PARTY DAY!!!

I will take tons of pictures!

I will try and get my menu plan up--if I don't, I will update on my sidebar what we have each night---


  1. I hope you have a great and productive week. I pray for strength and stamina right now for you!

  2. Wow! Busy week ahead! Congrats to you on the wee bean!

  3. Yay! I'm so excited for you. I was offline, and wondering what the verdict was.

    Well now, if this baby is a boy, I'll have to send you a new hat!


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Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me