Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy Monday!

Can you Believe that my Amarillis is blooming NOW!!---I was about to put it in the garage unitl it was time to water it again, and I noticed it had a flower coming up--so I watered it and watered it--and look----> It is so pretty. I had no idea what color it was going to be.
It is a wet morning here in San Clemente!
My Agatha Panthas about to bloom---->
...and look at this....A nice lady on the PH board posted this neat little website that etches your pictures for free--just upload the picture and BAm it is done...LOL, pretty neat huh? Here is the website--->Click Me
..also there is a button on my sidebar that says free money--it is a money exchange thingy--but when you sign up they give you 25.00 for free just for signing up--you can either click on my button or Google it for your self---and then if you refer someone they put another ten dollars in your account, I thought this was pretty neat and wanted to share it with all of you----I will leave it up for awhile.

You all have a glorious Monday! Menu plans coming:)


  1. What a gorgeous flower! How beautiful! I love that sketch of your hubby and baby! Very special!

    :0) Sharon

  2. Your flower is gorgeous, Juliann! It rained at our house too. I love the sketch of your husband and Little Kevin!

  3. That sketch is so cool. I will have to check out that website. I have never heard of agatha panthas. They look very interesting. Please show a picture when they bloom.

  4. Pretty flower. That's a cool picture too. Julieann, I'd love to see how you grocery shop. Today I posted my store WINCO, and what it is like. Come take a look. I'd like to see how you do it too. Have a pleasant day, cutie.


  5. Hi Julianne,

    Popping by to say hello!!

    Very pretty flowers.

    It has been wet here lately too.
    We just had rain here today.

    Atleast no snow. I hope that was the end of it a week or so ago.
    We have been having some crazy weather.

    Hugs, Lori

  6. Hi Julianne,

    Popping by to say hello!!

    Very pretty flowers.

    It has been wet here lately too.
    We just had rain here today.

    Atleast no snow. I hope that was the end of it a week or so ago.
    We have been having some crazy weather.

    Hugs, Lori

  7. What a very pretty flower to brighten the day. Thanks so much.

    Ps.I got the names of the blogs that I visited added to my blogs so I should be able to come by more often now. I hope you don't mind that I added your name. connie from texas


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me