Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Making stuffed cabbage for dinner. Preparing my home for Easter--lots to do. Tonight when the children are in bed I am going to visit all of you--until then Have a Happy Day and evening!


  1. Oh, I haven't even started preparing for Easter. I have so much to do. Thank God I am feeling better today. Stuffed cabbage- mmm-I don't like to eat it but I love the way it smells when it is cooking. Do your kids like it?

  2. Preparing for Easter?! I have no idea what my kids will be wearing, and am still unsure about accepting my mom's money to go buy them outfits.

    I do have to prepare my lesson for Sunday school though. It is going to be a wound up class, especially for those that come early and have the pancake breakfast the elders are serving.

    Have a wonderful Easter!

  3. Happy Easter, if I or you get too busy.

    I'm leaning toward ham dinner, roasted potatoes, green beans and home made bisquits.

    There is a sale on strawberries, so there will be strawberry shortcake (home made) for dessert and probably a pumpkin pie which any uneaten will be sent home with the kids. I'm also leaning toward a blueberry pie perhaps.

    Happy Easter planning! The baskets take me the longest to sort and put them all together!

  4. I still have lots of preparing to do too! Have a Happy Easter!

  5. Hi Julieann!!!
    Wow, I step away from the computer for a few days and you've been SO busy!!!! I LOVE reading about what you are doing in your life. It is so interesting!!!

    Thank you for sharing the recipe for the Monkey Crunch!! That sounds super yummy AND something that everyone would love!!!

    Also, how did you make your corned beef that y'all had St. Patrick's Day? Mr. U LOVES corned beef and I would love to make it for him!! :)

    Mrs. U

  6. Stuffed cabage....yumm! Do you have pictures and a recipe to share? I'm pretty much ready for Easter, we are having the dinner here, so I will be cleaning house on Saturday. I am preparing a ham, mashed potatoes and gravy and everyone else is brining the rest.

    :0) Sharon

  7. Hey Back! I hope you have a happy Easter!



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