Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, March 14, 2008


I was a little shaky when I arrived home from doing all the drop offs---I was pulling into my daughters elementary school and all of a sudden the lady in front of me put her car in reverse and started to back up faster then I could react and back up myself--SHE HIT ME!!! I was so upset. She did not hurt my car, but I had the little ones in my car--She was not paying attention one bit--I was soooo angry!!! She got out of her car, and mouthed the words sorry to me, and then proceeded to walk towards my window, I rolled it down a bit and as she got close to me, I said, "Why did you do that" and then she tried to touch my arm and I said very loud "DON'T Touch Me!!" I shocked myself, I couldn't believe that came out of my mouth---she then walked back to her car and drove off--I quickly looked at the front of my car and it was fine. I was literally shaking.

When I parked my car, I had to take a deep breath and calm down. My daughter, asked me--"Mommy why did she do that?" I stopped shaking and walked her to her class---When I got home, I called my husband and told him---I rarely bother him at work, but I needed his comforting voice. That was my morning. I was a little shocked at myself for telling the lady not to touch me--she must have thought, I was nutty--I don't care, if she did, I was angry--what if I was pregnant and she hit me harder, what if my daughter had taken off her seat belt? Then when I got back in my car I prayed---I was thankful God was with me.

Okay, now on a better note: Today is Friday, and I have a few questions I need some answers too--so please take a moment and answer my new polls if you have time, and remember they are anonymous----My blog meter shows that I have 200 readers on some days---and sometimes it will tell me what state my readers are from, from the feedjit --that is it---I totally believe in privacy so if you want to remain anonymous I totally understand. I went to one blog once, and she had every kind of meter on her blog, trying to figure exactly who is coming to her blog, it made me giggle and it also stopped me from reading her blog--I thought, wow she sure is going to lot of trouble, will she hunt me down if I stay...LOL--Just kidding. Anyway, I love making the polls because I like to know about other people, but it is anonymous, so you can stay private too:o) It is up to you---even though I would love to meet you.

I washed my car the other day, when it was very warm--hoping to get a little tan while I cleaned my car--my husband usually washes it for me, or takes it to get it washed, so I thought I would do this for him--plus the little dog likes to sit out front with me, and Little Kevin and Alexis loves the sunshine too.

I have been asked about the Homeschooling laws here in Cali---They just passed a law stating that in order to homeschool your children you must have a teaching certificate--which I don't have. I am not currently homeschooling my children--(another Post) But I have in the past, so it really upsets me that I don't have that option anymore---I am sure there are ways around this law with certain loop holes--but I don't like this law:(

Okay, on to dinner---I am going to take some chicken out to thaw--I have a LOT of chicken:)

I am still going to work on my ALPHABET WALL and get my Easter cards out--plus, housework.

One more thing---I am not doing Show and Tell this week---but please visit
Kelli and everyone's Show and Tell!


  1. Glad you have calmed down and everyone was okay.

  2. I'm glad that you are well! Didn't she realize that without switching insurance information, it was a hit and run?

    I'm up here in Central Washington. Went to school at Pepperdine for a year, and traveled down to Temecula to watch a friend's brother at a gymnastics competition, so I have some idea about where you live.

    That said, I don't know how you do it. Being that you aren't from CA. I was so glad to get out of CA as were my non-native friends.

  3. I'm glad your ok, but do you think you may have overreacted ? If there was no damage at all to your car she could not have hit you very hard at all. I was hit by someone going about 5 miles an hour and it did about $400 in damage to my car.

    The fact that the other driver reached out to you, to try and comfort you was a very kind thing to do. To yell at her to not touch you was not very christian like. Not a very good example.IMO

    Glad you are ok and no one was hurt.

  4. Anonymous, Oh, I completely overeacted---I was in shock that it happened. I was also scared---she hit me hard enough to jolt my car, but not enough to damage it--and it also scared me that she had backed up so quickly and there are children everywhere----anyway, I completely hear what you are saying and that is why I shared it here--I can't change the fact I did what I did, but I can learn from this and do ebtter next time :)

    Oh and TJ I may not be a native Cali Girl but I have lived here almost 27 years...LOL--I just do it :D

  5. Well Julieann, the most important thing is you and the children were not hurt. I try and live a christian life and slip up too, so don't beat yourself up. We ae christian, not perfect :-)

    Hopefully that lady will think twice before she backs up like that again. And I think God may have put you and your sturdy vehicle there as opposed to a child who could have been hurt or killed. You may have saved the life of a child...

  6. Julieanne:

    I'm so glad you are all ok. I think under the circumstances all of us would of had the same knee jerk reaction. too many parents do a lot of not paying attention during drop off or pick up , they just seem to look sight.

    On the homeschool laws Its not clearly defined yet..

    Update—Defending Homeschool Freedom in California
    The following is an update on the developing situation in California from Michael Farris, chairman, Home School Legal Defense Association.

    State Superintendent Supports Homeschooling
    On Tuesday, March 11, Jack O’Connell, California Superintendent of Public Instruction, announced that he believed that homeschooling is still legal in California. O’Connell’s statement is welcome news. Click here to read O’Connell’s statement. Some might conclude that the statement ends the controversy. However, it is not the end of the matter; it is just an important step along the way.

    His clarifying statement was probably the result of the massive public outcry against the February 28 decision of the California Court of Appeal which effectively ruled that homeschooling is illegal in California unless conducted by a credentialed teacher and that parents have no constitutional right to homeschool.

    O’Connell’s statement is helpful, but the courts will undoubtedly take the position that their determination of the meaning of state law is final even though they should give serious deference to the position of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

    It should also be remembered that local school districts make the decision about when to initiate prosecutions for truancy, and they are not officially controlled by the state agency on these matters. However, many local officials may be influenced by O’Connell’s positive statement.

    Did the February 28 Ruling Intend to Affect All Homeschooling Families?
    Some have contended that the decision of the Court of Appeal in In Re Rachel L. only affects that particular family. While a court order can only direct one family to stop homeschooling, the case clearly sets a legal precedent that will be binding against all other families if this case is not reversed. (Technically, the decision is binding only in the Second District which consists of Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties. However, other appellate districts will normally treat it as persuasive precedent. If ratified by the Supreme Court of California, it formally binds all California counties.)

    There are two basic issues in the case:

    Does state law allow parents to homeschool without a state teaching credential?

    If not, is this law unconstitutional?
    Below are three short quotations from the case which give the clear answer:

    “It is clear to us that enrollment and attendance in a public full-time day school is required by California law for minor children unless (1) the child is enrolled in a private full-time day school and actually attends that private school, (2) the child is tutored by a person holding a valid state teaching credential for the grade being taught.”
    “California courts have held that under provisions in the Education Code, parents do not have a constitutional right to school their children in their own home.”
    “We agree with the Shinn court’s statement that ‘the educational program of the State of California was designed to promote the general welfare of all the people and was not designed to accommodate the personal ideas of any individual in the field of education.’ ”
    In the first quote the court makes it clear that it believes that parents may not operate their own private schools. In the second they deny that a parent has a constitutional right to homeschool, and in the third they concur that California law does not accommodate parents pursuing their own education program for their children.

    As you can see, the decision is categorical and was not written to be limited to just the facts of this case.

    Due to the scope of the court decision, HSLDA is pleased to be working with other self-identified pro-homeschooling organizations, including Christian Home Educators Association of California (CHEA), Homeschool Association of California (HSC), California Homeschool Network (CHN), and Family Protection Ministries (FPM) in order to oppose this ruling. We are all in this one together.

    What is HSLDA’s Immediate Plan of Action?
    We plan to:

    Support the family’s petition for review to the California Supreme Court.

    File an amicus brief on behalf of all our members, and others we represent, if the California Supreme Court accepts the case for review.
    What Can California Homeschoolers Expect in the Short Run?
    We believe that it is highly unlikely that local officials will begin proceedings against homeschool families until this present case is resolved.

    This ruling has obviously caused great concern among California homeschoolers. We want to remind all California homeschoolers that you should stay calm in the face of this decision. Please continue to operate your homeschool, because we believe that our interpretation of the law is correct and will ultimately prevail in the court system.

    We must remain vigilant, however. If you are a member of HSLDA, and you are contacted by a school district, please contact HSLDA immediately.

    Long-Range Solution
    On another front, later today I am meeting with a half-dozen congressmen to plan a strategy to push for a constitutional amendment on parental rights. We have been receiving numerous calls from members of Congress wanting to respond to this decision. Visit for more information.

    Final Thoughts/Conclusion
    The way the homeschool law has worked in California for the past two decades has been successful for all homeschoolers. If we can keep what we have today that would be a significant victory for homeschool freedom.

    We also understand that the current situation has caused much stress for California homeschool families. We are praying, and we encourage you to pray, that the threat we face will be swiftly removed and that homeschool freedom in California will be preserved.

    We have seen God’s hand of protection on the homeschooling movement for the 25 years we have been working together for this cause. There is no reason to begin to doubt God now.

    Michael Farris
    Chairman, Home School Legal Defense Association

  7. Wow that is scary being hit by another car, I have been too and it shakes you up. Its good you and your children are okay:)
    wow your Cali laws there are tough

  8. Oh Julieann, I'm so glad you and the children are fine. None of us knows how we would react. You are a sweet and kind person, and very honest. God knows your heart. That woman may have been under a lot of stress. She may have heard terrible news that morning. We don't know. Maybe she was very angry. Maybe your vehicle stopped her from hitting a walking child. She could have been mentally ill. We don't know, but God knows and maybe if she had a very bad day, and needs to be comforted, then the Lord will do that for her in His way. Maybe your reaction "woke" her up, and she will become more responsible.

    Perhaps you will have another opportunity to speak with her under better circumstances. You are human, I may have acted just like you. None of us knows what we would do until it happens.

    I feel for the CA people wanting to homeschool. It's hard enough, without this new hoop to jump through.

    I might take your poll.

    God bless you today. Fondly, Kathi

  9. I am glad you are okay, Julieann. We never know how we will react in certain situations until they happen. I'm certain you were just in shock about what had happened, and of course, your immediate reaction was concern about your children's safety.

  10. Oh Julieann! I wrote you some time ago about being struck as a pedestrian in a hit and run. Last summer I was rear ended!! I have been in therapy since fall of 2005. I am so glad you and your precious cargo were not injured. I love your blog and wish I was in sunny CA about now. We had snow here in MN again today. Argh. Spring is just around the corner.
    Stay safe and God bless you always.

  11. Thank you all for your warm comments--Jen, I think I remember you telling me that sometime ago((Hugs)))--Warm thoughts your way!!!



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