Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Birthday Dinner! 16 :o)

We went to the Claim Jumper!!! One of our very favorite restaurants!!! YUMMY!!!

Little Kevin's dinner
Birthday Boy's Dinner
My Dinner--stuffed tortellini with spinach--Little Kevin loved it...LOL
Alexis had mini corn dogs

Kevin had steak (of course...LOL)

Look at Tony's face---priceless:)



We were going to take Tony to Medieval Times, but he wanted Guitar Hero too--so we told Tony he can go to MT or to a nice dinner and get the Guitar hero--he chose dinner and the game:)


  1. What a nice night you all had. I love all the pictures and you look way to young to be his mom. Love the look on his face :)

  2. Happy Birthday, Tony!! Enjoy!

    I got so tickled, Julieann. I was reading this post in Bloglines and the words were kind of off to the side. The way I read it, it looked like the applesauce and cheese were Tony's dinner. I thought, What's up with that? So glad to know he got himself some manly ribs ~ lol!

    I'm not up on California law; Can Tony drive by himself now? So many states are increasing the age for that. In TN we have to wait until Brian's 18 (only 4 more months) before he's completely restriction free on his driving.

    Hugs to you! I know birthdays can be a little bittersweet for moms. :o)

  3. Happy Birthday, Tony!
    Bloglines did the same thing to me and I thought his dinner was applesauce and cheese too..hehehe.
    I love all the photos!

  4. Happy Birthday, Tony. Your dinner out looks wonderful, and it looks like you all had fun together.



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