Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

What Matters

This is my blog, this is my online journal of my daily life as a wife and mother. As long as I can remember, I have been writing--do I think I am a good writer, I think I am okay--I enjoy going back in time and reading what I did, my family, kids..etc did--I enjoy looking at photos I have taken in the past--this is my journal. Sometimes I feel like writing in it all day--some days I just don't have much to say. I just can not see taking the time to write all this stuff down and then just delete it all---I am hoping one day to print this out or save it some how for my children and their children--If I don't write for a couple days--it usually just means I am not writing, if something came up that was important I of course would update. This is just me--I don't want my blog to sound like a running commentary---I want it be personal-I don't want it to sound like an advertisement for products, even though I will talk about my favorite products. I want readers to come here because they are my *friends* they read because we have something in common--trying to be the best wife and mother we can. Okay?
I want to talk about cooking, recipes, cleaning, children, husbands, dresses, housework, gardening, reading--everything about being a woman. There is so much out there to learn and we have the Internet now---I remember when I was first married, I did not have this available---I did everything by instinct and common sense...LOL. I am raising my coffee cup up to all the beautiful wives and mothers out there that enjoy their place in this wonderful world--we are women, we are not men--I wouldn't want to be a man( I just love being a girl) --I surely would not want to do what my husband has to do--oh, my poor husband, how hard he works--I am here to help make his life a little easier, not harder:)

Okay enough about that---for now.

Here is a picture of my Little Kevin--he is now 8 months!!! 8 months, can you believe it??!!!

Here is my closet--it isn't perfect, but it is neat--it looks a lot nicer in real life--I promise...LOL

I have a big box filled with things that I am going to get rid of---throw out some and donate the rest---a few things I am going to use the material to reinvent some things too--ohh, the possibilities :o)

Besides my organizing my closet, I have played a lot this past week and half--now it is time to get back to work--I stayed up late last night and used Microsoft works and wrote out a list that I want to get done by Monday--I printed it out, I am going to do everything on that list!! It is supposed start raining tomorrow and not stop until Monday--so this is the perfect time to get a lot of things done--because once my list is done--I am going to start my reading list--I am going to go to the book store and get myself some new books that will help me and encourage me in my life as a wife and mother. I am going to try new recipes, I am going to be healthier--I am going to be the best wife and mother I can be. Oh I wish my own mother would have had some kind of journal--I would have loved to have really known her. She is in heaven now--so I must wait until I meet her again :)

All that said--I have to get started. I also promise to take some time to not only visit all my beloved blogs, but to leave a comment too ;oP

I have also started my Bible again from the beginning--I am going to read it straight through!!! This should be fun and enlightening; I am not going to chapter hop--I am not!


  1. I am so happy to have found your blog. I love to come here and read about your "daily doings". I can feel the love for your family in your posts. I have the same desires for my family, too. I love being a wife and a mom, and I love all the duties that come along with it. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and home with us. : )

  2. Julieanne:

    I love reading your blog and everything that you share. I love your passions as a wife and mother.

    Although currently I am not a wife, I am a mother and love that role as well as the role of full time "domestic manager" (how's that for a title?)

    I find no greater joy in my 45 years than raising my children and taking care of my home. I love the feeling of working and the instant gratification of that, but I can take it or leave it and my children come first.

    I love all the pictures you post and great ideas for the home whether its decorating or cooking.

    Look forward to reading more.

  3. Julieann,

    You knwo I am many other love reading your blog. Your an inspiration to many on the internet.

    PS. The clothing rack is working!! DH started laundry on his own just to play with it. Heh

  4. Hmph I need an edit feature in your comments LOL

    **I as well as many others

  5. I am happy to have found you through the blogging world and enjoy coming to your blog.
    I am glad to call you friend too.

  6. I enjoy your blog too! I know what you mean about saving your blog for your children. I have thought about that too. I do have a written journal but do not seem to write in it much. It is easier to type :)
    I want to read my Bible thru this year and yes I am bad about jumping around too.

  7. When I left KF due to time constraints, I love all the ladies there, I was delighted to discover your blog. It lets me feel as though I'm still somewhat in contact with y'all.

    Crystal? Never lost contact with her, she IMs daily. Hi Crystal.

  8. Heather that was cute about Crystal:)

    My AOL for some reason was corrupted and all the buttons to post, send, write, etc were all blacked out---it was frusterating--I could read some things but then I went goofy trying to send or respond---well, Kevin wanted to fix it but I was scared about losing my pictures---well, when I was shopping he fixed it on Tuesday---it looks wonderful--I soooo need to stop by KF and say hi:) I adore those ladies too.

    I enjoy all your blogs too:)


  9. She's just saying that because I IM'ed her to check our your cute music LOL

    Muah Heather!

    Julieann I am still waiting on a how to make bread posting ::tap, tap, tap:: LMAO

  10. I love reading your blog and seeing what you are up to Julieann! Your are an inspiration to us!
    Baby Kevin is getting so big, what a cutie!
    Grace and I are reading through the Bible in a year too. :0)


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me