Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Multi-Task Monday

How is that for a post title? Multi-Task Monday. I think being a mother, we have all learned to Multi Task BIG TIME...LOL.

Well, it was a very busy day, and I would love to go into it in detail but to honest, I am plain *Tuckered* out.... ( I love that word)

Have any of you seen the show on TLC called *Jon and Kate plus 8*--I love that show. A new episode comes on tonight at 9---so hopefully I will watch that and fall into bed, morning comes by quick.

Also, the Jog a Thon for my daughter at her school was post-poned until next week, because of all the rain we have had. I worked on her class t-shirts and they came out so nice--I put an IRON on, all 20 t-shirts, they came out great--I will take a picture tomorrow of my daughter's shirt.

One last thing---I had to Email Mel about my status on the Prairie Homemaker, I had to re-register again--and Mel said she would add my old post count back--YAY--I so enjoy that forum very much, and am glad to be back there---I lost track after having Little Kevin. So for those of you that visit PH , my screenname is *Julieann* there.


  1. I love Jon & Kate plus 8, because their kids are so cute....but I hate it when they get on each other so much!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've never watched that Jon & Kate plus 8 I'm going to have to check into it.

    I think all of us moms have to be good multi taskers. I find I'm multitasking all the time.

  4. I like that show too. I don't get to watch it all the time. I would like too. I can't wait to see the shirts.

    You are A AWESOME MOMMY!

  5. I love Jon & Kate Plus 8! I watch it all the time.

  6. I watch that show too. But I must admit she is a little hard to take at times. The kids are really cute though. (o:

  7. I love Jon and Kate too. In fact they are coming to visit and talk at one of our local churches.

  8. I love J&K+8, as does my 4 year old daughter! I wish Kate would stop being so harsh with Jon, but I imagine it must be difficult to be perky with 8 kids!


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P.S. You can always email me